Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety-One: Battle Plan Zeta.../Getting Fuel!

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At Kalani's command, B1-268 announces that Kalani has initiated Battle Plan Zeta and tells the rest of his men to take their positions at once!

B1-268: The Commander has initiated Battle Plan Zeta... Take your positions at once!

Battle Droid 2: Roger, Roger!

Battle Droid 3: Battle Plan Zeta? Finally!

Unknown to any of them, Chopper was spying on the Battle Droids before he entered a Neimoidian escort shuttle, which he began to restart! Meanwhile, in Space, Hera, Sabine, Echo, and Wrecker were all having their own problems to deal with! Echo asked Hera how much fuel they got before they got ambushed by the Empire's TIE Fighters right now!

Echo: How much fuel did we get before the ambush?

Hera smirked, knowing that it was enough for the whole fleet!

Hera: Enough for the whole fleet!

Sabine frowned, hoping that Kanan and the others were okay and wouldn't be expecting them back on Agamar for a while right now!

Sabine: I just hope Kanan and Rex aren't expecting us back on Agamar anytime soon...

Hera knew that if Kanan needed their help, he would call them! Wrecker, however, finds that one hard to believe!

Hera: If Kanan needs help, he'll call us...

Wrecker: Since when?

Hera rolled her eyes, knowing that if Chopper was in over his head, he'd hide and call them!

Hera: Fine... If Chopper's in over his head, he'll hide and call us!

Sabine smirked, knowing that was more believable while Echo reassured everyone that he was sure that the others were fine since Ezra, Hunter, and Omega were all with them!

Sabine: That's more believable!

Echo: I'm sure that they are fine, you guys... Besides, Ezra, Hunter, and Omega are with them! They know what they're doing!

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