Chapter Three Hundred and Forty-Nine: Cheeky Banter!/Entering the ship's hull!

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Later, Ezra and the others were just about ready when Zeb came in, asking if he and the others were good to go!

Zeb: Ezra, you and the others good to go?

While Ezra, Omega, and Kaitis all responded addressing him as Captain Orrelious, Eldra gave a cheekily respond!

All Three: Yes, sir, Captain Orrelios!

Eldra: Yes, sir, Captain Orrelios!

Ezra and Zeb both frowned, warning that she should talk to Hera after the mission if she has a problem or stay behind if she doesn't trust them any more than she does with Ezra!

Zeb: You got a problem with me in charge, talk to Hera when we get back...

Ezra: You wanna stay behind with both Hunter and Sabine because you don't trust Zeb or Hera anymore than you do with me these days? You know where the door is!

Just then, the fat Azmorigan struggles to climb down the stairs which Hera is disgusted by his presence from the cockpit's cameras!

Azmorigan: Stop! Wait for me, huh?

Hera: (Groans) You have got to be kidding!

When he finally does get down the stairs, Hondo thinks that his frail friend should stay aboard the Ghost with that lovely singing voice of his since the freighter is dangerous!

Hondo: Azmorigan, this is dangerous work, my frail friend! Perhaps you, with your lovely singing voice, should stay here...

Azmorigan reminds him that he wants half of the treasure since he got the manifest! Either he does with them, or we don't go at all!

Azmorigan: You'd like that, wouldn't you? Me stuck here while you claim the best treasure? Hey, hey, hey, forget it! This job is half mine, and I've got the manifest! I go with you, or we don't go at all! Hear?

Seeing that Azmorigan is onboard as well, Eldra sees Hunter telling Omega to keep an eye on Hondo!

Omega: Yeah, yeah... I'll keep an eye on him!

Hunter nods before turning to Sabine, it's now or never!

Hunter: You better... Sabine, let's do this!

The two of them open the Cargo Ramp of the Ghost and jump onto the cargo ship's hull while Hunter waits with Sabine to receive the Cargo!

SabineAll right, boys. Good luck! We'll be here waiting for the cargo!

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