Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty-Eight: Things get worse.../Ezra's reminiscing...

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It was nightfall back on Lothal, and Kaitis, Eldra, Kanan, Ezra, Kanan, and Chopper were all waiting on a rooftop in a town that was just outside of Lothal's Captial City! Kaitis frowned as he looked through his pair of Macrobinoculars, the city was under heavy Imperial occupation, the streets were being patrolled by Stormtroopers and AT-AT Walkers, all while Imperial Star Destroyers patrolled the skylines! Kaitis lowered the Macrobinoculars and handed them to Eldra to look, it's even worse than Minister Tua and Ryder both thought!

Kaitis: (Groans) It's even worse than I thought! Take a look for yourself...

Eldra: Look at all those ships... Both Minister Tua and Ryder said it was bad, but this is worse than bad!

Kaitis: Lothal is our home, Kanan... We can't stand seeing it like this.

Kanan: So let's do something about it! (Sighs) If only Ryder would hurry up and get here...

Kaitis: I'm sure that he's fine!

While both Kaitis and Kanan were talking, Eldra noticed that Ezra was clutching his homemade Family Locket more so than usual! Lowering the Macrobinoculars, Eldra made her way over to the kid, asking if he was okay!

Eldra: You okay?

Ezra nodded, revealing that he was just thinking about the night Eldra told him about his real Parents...

Ezra: Yeah, I'm fine... I'm just thinking about the night you told me about my Real Parents...

Ezra stared at Lothal's nightfall sky, remembering that day as if it was clear as night...

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