Chapter Three Hundred And Twenty-Six: Welcome aboard.../Meet Iron Squadron!

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Later, the Ghost docks with the YT-2400 freighter above Mykapo, as Hera, Ezra, Sabine, and Chopper board the ship and are soon greeted by both Gooti Terez and Jonner Jin, who welcomes them aboard and starts to take them to meet their captain! 

Gooti: Welcome aboard!

Jonner: We'll take you to our captain...

As they walk, Sabine finds the ship in a state of disarray, but Gooti tells them not to touch anything since they all like it that way! Sabine remarks that the ship feels like a junk pile before Ezra tells her to be nice and show some respect!

Sabine: Ship needs a little work...

Gooti: Try not to touch anything! It's organized the way we like it...

Sabine: If you like a junk pile...

Ezra: Sabine! Be nice and show some respect!

Just then, Chopper encounters their own astromech droid R3-A3, who is repairing the hyperdrive, as Ezra observed that their hyperdrive doesn't work!

R3-A3: (R3-A3 Beeping)

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ezra: Your hyperdrive doesn't work?

Jonner shrugs, stating that they don't need a fancy hyperdrive, saying that Mart was the best pilot in the Galaxy!

Jonner: We don't need a fancy hyperdrive... Mart's the best pilot in the galaxy!

But as Ezra offers that Chopper can fix it easily, both Chopper and R3 start to fight each other, as Gooti and Ezra are forced to pull them apart!

Ezra: Chopper can fix it!

R3-A3: (R3-A3 Beeping)

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Gooti: Hey! 

Ezra: Back off!

R3-A3: (R3-A3 Beeping)

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

As their Droid rolled away, Gooti explained that R3 had customized the ship's systems to his specifications!

Gooti: Yeah, well, R3 fixes things around here!

R3-A3: (R3-A3 Beeping)

Chopper beeped angrily at R3, as Ezra told him to just let it go already!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ezra: Chop, just let it go!

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