Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty-Three: A Traitor?/Following her Instincts!

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Later at a landing pad, another Imperial Landing Craft had just arrived at the Skystrike Academy, with Two TIE Escorts! But Instructor Goran noticed that there were two other people aboard the Imperial Landing Craft, Governor Pryce and Agent Kallus! Confused, Instructor Goran asked about their unscheduled visit!

Instructor Goran: Governor Pryce, Agent Kallus... May I ask the reason for this unscheduled visit?

Agent Kallus sadly informs Goran that they had ISB has information that some cadets plan to defect to the rebels...

Agent Kallus: ISB has information that some of your Cadets are planning to defect to the Rebels! You have traitors in your midst...

As expected, however, Instructor Goran didn't believe Kallus, stating that his Cadets were unmatched, both in their skill and loyalty!

Instructor Goran: Impossible... My cadets are unmatched, both in their skill and loyalty!

However, Pryce insists on going ahead with the investigation, before she warns Goran to cooperate with her before she tells  Kallus that she hopes to teach him something today...

Governor Pryce: Nevertheless, I will be conducting a thorough investigation, and you are to extend your full cooperation! Agent Kallus, you may begin! My hope is that I may teach you something today...

As Pryce walks away with Goran, Kallus briefly frowns...

While she was walking down the nearby corridor, Sabine caught three cadets arguing about something risky... To her surprise, the cadets that she overheard are Wedge with his two friends; Hobbie and Rake Gahree!

Rake Gahree: I told you it was too risky!

Hobbie: How are we gonna get out of this?

Wedge: Will you just relax? They don't know! If they did, we'd be in the brig...

Sabine watched as Wedge left the corridor, seeing that he was really nervous about something...

Seeing that Wedge and his friends might be the Cadets who wanted out of Skystrike Academy that their mysterious new Fulcrum Agent told her and the others about from the other day, Sabine quickly made her way to follow Wedge and to find if for sure if her gut is right like it usually it is!

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