Chapter Three Hundred and Eighteen: To Coruscant?!/Escape!

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 The Three Rebels raced Saxon to the Ship, as Ezra asked Sabine to tell him that they were close to getting a ride out of here!

Ezra: Tell me we're close...

Sabine turned to Chopper, wanting some good news as well!

Sabine: Chopper?

Luckily, Chopper tells them the ship is up ahead on a plateau!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Sabine: It's just up ahead!

But before they had a chance to reach the Ship and steal it, the Mandalorians that Saxon sent around to cut them off showed up and shot at them, causing Sabine to drop her blaster while knocking Ezra out of the way! The three rebels crash land on the plateau. Saxon and the remaining Mandalorian warrior then prepare to capture the rebels!

Imperial Mandalorian Soldier 1: Sir, should we kill them?

Gar Saxon: Tempting... But no! It seems that the Emperor still has use for Anakin Skywalker's youngest Son, and would like to have him transported to Coruscant in this device...

He held up a hologram of an old Mandalorian holder that was once used on Maul before Ezra's birth, causing him to flinch back in fear a little bit!

Gar Saxon: Trust me, Young Skywalker... If it were up to me, you would be killed right here, right now... But since the Emperor still desires you alive, who am I to deny His Majesty? You, dear girl... Won't be so lucky! You there, deal with the boy! Wren is mine...

But before they can stun anyone, Rau arrives in the Phantom II with Kanan, announcing to Saxon that the rebels are under his protection!

Fenn Rau: Gar Saxon! Those kids are under my protection!

When Saxon disagrees with that, Rau blasts him with the ship's frontal cannons! 

Gar Saxon: Rau!

Seeing that this was their chance to escape, The Three Spectres flee aboard the shuttle's rear ramp, as Sabine tells Ezra to go, she's right behind him!

Sabine: Go! I'm right behind you!

Ezra manages to board the shuttle as Kanan pulls him on, while Chopper lands himself into the ship's astromech socket, but Saxon grabs Sabine and the two struggle in a fistfight, much to Ezra's concern as Kanan pulls him up to safety! 

Ezra: Sabine!

Gar Saxon: You're not going anywhere, traitor... I'll hand you over to the Empire!

While the two of them fought, Sabine mentally thanked her Family for all that training she did in her earlier days at the Academy as a child, as Rau managed to shoot the remaining Mandalorian warrior and blew up Saxon's ship with the Phantom II's Lazer Cannons! By that time, Sabine had managed to damage Saxon's jetpack and flew toward the Phantom II! But as Ezra reaches out a helping hand to her, Gar Saxon shoots Sabine's new jetpack! Luckily, Ezra manages to grab her arm before pulling a grumbling Sabine up, as she complained about her jetpack being damaged!

Sabine: They shot my jetpack!

Ezra rolled his eyes as he helped her up, telling her that she could fix it up and give it a new paint job as soon as they got back!

Ezra: You can fix it up and give it a new paint job as soon as we get back! Rau, get us out of here!

Rau nodded, no argument here for once!

Fenn Rau: No argument here!

As the Phantom II took off, Saxon could only stand and watch as his ship burned in the background, knowing that this mess with the traitorous Sabine Wren and her so-called friends was far from over, especially Ezra!

Gar Saxon: This isn't over, traitor!

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