Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty-One: 190?/Overheating!

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Thinking that they lost them, Ryder and the others almost run into a roadblock as they barely managed to avoid it while Ezra and his friends struggle to cling on to the speeder's engine thrusters!

Ezra: Look out! Blockade!

After sighing with relief, Ryder knew that it was good to have Ezra and the others back on Lothal again! Eldra nodded, even though Kanan was sure that Ryder was the only one who felt that way right now these days!

Ezra: Whew!

Ryder: (Sighs) Sure is good to have you back on Lothal...

Eldra: Hmm!

Kanan: I think you're the only one who feels that way, Ryder!

Kaitis frowned, all of that is cool and all but... What in the world is going on?!

Kaitis: Cool... Also, what is going on?! The Imperial activity is getting worse now?! And what is with new Imperial Speeder Bikes?

But both Chopper and Ezra interrupted him, asking Kaitis to save these questions for when they're not getting shot at!

Ezra: Uh, guys? Maybe we could have this Family discussion at a later safer time?!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ryder: Hang on!

Ezra: Whoa!

Seeing that they are in trouble, Ryder is forced to make a U-turn toward the AT-DP while Eldra, Kaitis, Ezra, and Kanan all use their Lightsabers to cut through the walker's legs, causing it to topple to the ground!

Kaitis: Yes!

But Ezra asked Ryder what the plan was when he saw that they were being pursued by the two speeder bikes on the highway since they couldn't outrun the Bike Scouts!

Ezra: Uh, Ryder? What's the plan? We can't outrun these guys!

But Ryder reassured him that they didn't need to outrun the Bikes, they just needed to wait for the Bikes to get up to 190 Speed! While Kanan didn't know what that meant, both Ryder and Kaitis told them to just watch and wait and to think fast thoughts!

Ryder: Don't need to outrun 'em... Just have to get 'em up to 190!

Kanan: What does that mean? 

Kaitis: Just watch and wait...

Kanan: And does this this thing up to 190?

Kaitis: Sometimes... 

Ryder: Think fast thoughts!

Ezra, Eldra, and Kanan all use their lightsabers to deflect the shots fired by the bikes while trying to think fast thoughts, but it's not working before Ryder tells him to keep watching!

Ezra: I'm thinking fast thoughts... Nothing's happening!

Ryder: Keep watching...

Eldra: Hang on!

Ezra: If I didn't hate the style of the Imperial Speeder Bikes, this would make a great amusement park ride!

Kaitis: Wait for it...

True to both his and Ryder's promise, the engine of one of the speeder bikes overheats, causing it to explode, its flying debris taking out the other bike, allowing Ryder and the Jedi to escape!

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