Chapter Two Hundred and Seventy-Six: Drawing them away.../The Tann province!

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Later near the Tann province, Ezra and Hera were on an Imperial Bike Speeder hiding, when Hunter saw that they had an Imperial Patrol coming their way that is led by a AT-DP Walker and and an Imperial Troop Transport in a canyon!

Ezra: Here comes the patrol...

Hunter: You two wait here until we draw them away... Then you can slip by!

Omega frowned as the Imperials started blasting her and the others, knowing that they had got their attention now!

Omega: Well, we got their attention!

Cham, Gobi, and Numa charge on their blurrg steeds while Sabine blows up the two vehicles! Kaitis and used their Lightsabers, Omega used her Bow, just as Hunter, Kanan, and Zeb joined the attack! As more Imperials approached, Ezra and Hera saw their chance to get to the Syndulla residence!

Hera: Now's our chance! Go!

Soon they arrived where the Syndulla residence, which lies inside a Mountain surrounded by Desert Plains! Ezra smiled a little at Hera's beautiful home, knowing that his Birth Mother would agree with him!

Ezra: That's your home? It's beautiful...

Hera smiled her thanks; even more so before the Empire showed up!

Hera: Yes... Even more so before the Empire showed up!

Finally, Ezra stopped since there was a Trooper in the way! Playing it safe, Ezra switched his helmet back on, as Hera pretended to be a captive Twi'lek insurgent!

Stormtrooper 1: Hold it there! Where did you find her?

Ezra: I caught this rebel on patrol...

Hera: Let me go, you Blurrg dropping!

Stormtrooper 1: Take the prisoner inside for processing... The transport will come to pick her up later!

Ezra nodded as they made their way towards the rendezvous with a disguised Chopper outside the Syndulla household as the Trooper left!

Hera: Sorry about that...

Ezra: None taken...

Hera: (Groans) The Empire's certainly made themselves at home!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping Sadly...)

Hera: There's Chopper!

Ezra: Chopper... Chop!

However, Chopper didn't respond since he seemed mesmerized by the wreck of a Y-Wing starfighter which had crashed outside the residence during the Clone Wars before both Hera and Ezra made their way over to him, as the younger Boy gently asked Hera what was wrong with him!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping Sadly...)

Ezra: What's with him?

Hera sadly explained how she met Chopper and his issues with the Y-Wing memorial...

Hera: That Y-wing crashed here back in the Clone War, and my father left it as a memorial! It also happens to be the ship I pulled Chopper out of, so he still has issues with it...He'll be along! This way...

Ezra frowned as he gently placed a comforting hand on Chopper's black Droid Dome, before racing after Hera!

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