Chapter Two Hundred and Seventy: Sabine escapes!/A unlikely ally?

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Back in the torture chamber, Sabine's stormtrooper captors uncuffed her and were about to strap her into the torture device! But before they could, Sabine broke free and knocked them both out cold! Pryce sighed, she had to do everything around here, huh? Soon, the two of them started to fight in unarmed combat! After a few punches, Sabine compliments Pryce on her skill, seeing that she isn't the only one who has been taking classes about unarmed combat!

Sabine: Not bad!

Pryce gave a smug grin before she revealed that the Empire taught her well!

Governor Pryce: The Empire taught me well...

Sabine dodges several punches from her; while the Empire taught the Governor well, her Clan taught her way better!

Sabine: My clan taught me better!

Using her training well, Sabine quickly knocks Pryce out by pushing her into the torture device's stinger that she was going to use on both her and Wedge earlier, shocking the Governor unconscious! Seeing that she was free to get out of here and free the boys, Sabine took a nearby Blaster and her Comlink before exiting the cell! 

Back in the cell, Wedge and Hobbie were both still debating how to escape! While Wedge suggests surprising the guards, Hobbie is skeptical that they will succeed without an escape plan!

Wedge: Maybe we can surprise the guards?

Hobbie: What, with our lack of planning?

Wedge: Well, why don't you think of something?!

But as they begin to argue, they hear Sabine open the door, revealing that she has knocked out the guards!

Sabine smirked, saying that she hoped the boys that they are better pilots than soldiers!

Sabine: I hope you're better pilots than you are soldiers!

Wedge smiled with relief, revealing that they were just coming to rescue her!

Wedge: Sabine! We were coming to rescue you!

Sabine smirked at that being cute, before telling them both to move!

Sabine: That's cute...Come on! Let's go!

The two of them nodded, and quickly followed Sabine to try and escape!

While they were being pursued by stormtroopers, the three of them ran down a corridor, dodging several blast doors before being halted by a blast door closing in front of them! Another blast door closes behind them, cutting off the approaching stormtroopers... But just then, Agent Kallus comes out of a side door, holding his hands in defense and telling Sabine not to shoot!

Agent Kallus: Don't shoot!

Sabine frowned as she aimed her Blaster at him, telling him to give her a good reason not to!

Sabine: Give me a good reason not to!

Kallus quickly tells her and the boys to avoid Levels Three through Five and that Hangar 24 is their best possibility to escape right now!

Agent Kallus: Avoid levels three through Five... Hangar 24 is your best possibility.

But before Wedge or Hobbie could make a move, Sabine asked why should she or the boys trust him!

Sabine: Wait... Why should we trust you?

Hobbie: Sabine!

Sabine: Are you nuts and out of your former Empire Blasting mind?! Agent Kallus nearly tried to turn my Rebel Father-Figure into an Inquisitor, he attacked my Little Brother-Figure back above Lothal, and he didn't blink when my Big Brother-Figure was almost killed by his own Bo-Staff which probably wiped out the rest of his people! Oh, he is bad, and not the hot kinda bad... So, again I ask: Give me a good reason not to shoot you, and why should we trust you?

Agent Kallus simply gave a message to an old friend...

Agent Kallus: Tell Garazeb Orrelios we're even... Go...

Although she is curious about what he means by that,  Sabine takes Kallus's advice as he lets them escape down the corridor!

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