Chapter Three Hundred and Eight: Burned.../Other Mandalorians?

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Later after waking up from being knocked out cold, Kanan found that Chopper was slapping his arm awake while giggling at his misfortune before Kanan tells him to knock it off!

Kanan: (Groans)

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping Giggles)

Kanan: Ow! Chopper, knock it off! I'm Awake! Sheesh...

Rubbing his forehead a little bit, Kanan noticed that he was handcuffed to an unconscious Sabine, and checked to see if she was okay!

Kanan: Hey! Sabine?

Sabine slowly rubbed her own forehead as she came to; she reassured Kanan that she would live and angrily demanded to know where Rau was as Chopper used his Spark Projector to break the two of them free from their handcuffs!

Sabine: (Groans) I'll live...Where's Rau?!

Kanan sat up, he didn't know but he had both Ezra and their Weapons!

Kanan: I don't know, but he's got both Ezra and our weapons...

But Sabine also noticed that the Phantom II was on solid ground, meaning that they had landed already! 

Sabine: Hey... Did we land?

Making their way out of the Phantom II and seeing that they had landed back on the Third Moon of Concord Dawn, they find both Rau and Ezra standing on top of a precipice! Reaching out with the Force, Kanan snatched his Blaster, as well as both Ezra and Sabine's Blasters away from Rau, before freeing Ezra from his own binders, ordering Rau to turn around slowly after making sure that Ezra was okay!

Kanan: (Grunts) Are you okay, kid?

Ezra: Yeah... Yeah, I'm okay!

Kanan: Turn around! Slowly...

But Rau doesn't even respond before Sabine approaches him with concern...

Sabine: Rau? 

The two of them soon saw that the Protectors' camp had been attacked with all of its inhabitants killed probably! Kanan frowned, realizing that Rau's were ambushed!

Ezra: It's been burned... Someone's... Burned it all away!

Kanan: Your men weren't laying a trap... They were ambushed!

Sabine thinks that it's the Empire that was behind this one, but Rau knows that this was the work of other Mandalorians!

Sabine: The Empire?

Fenn Rau: Not the Empire... Other Mandalorians!

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