Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Four: Secrets revealed!/Time to make a plan!

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Later, Sabine meets Wedge in the TIE Hanger Bay, asking why her new friend looked so nervous!

Sabine: Something wrong, Wedge?

Wedge: No... Why?

Sabine: You just look nervous...

Wedge sighed, explaining that he had been thinking about what Sabine said in the simulator earlier today!

Wedge: (Sighs) Actually, I've been thinking about what you said in the simulator today... About how this wasn't what you signed up for!

Sabine sighed; Years ago when she was at the Imperial Academy, she once wanted to do her part for the Empire, but firing on unarmed ships wasn't what she had in mind and it still isn't what she signed up for! She asked Wedge about his story, wanting to make sure that her gut feeling was right like it usually was in the Past!

Sabine: (Sighs) Look, I want to do my part for the Empire, but firing on unarmed ships wasn't what I had in mind! What about you?

Wedge explained that he was a Cargo Pilot at the time when the Empire recruited him... But after witnessing the Massacre near Teralov, he's just not sure anymore...

Wedge: I was flying cargo ships when the Empire recruited me... At the time, I figured, why not? Seemed a whole lot more exciting than hauling spare parts around the galaxy! But if this is what the Empire's becoming, I don't know...

Sabine frowned before she asked one more question to confirm her suspicions about Wedge and the others!

Sabine: You ever think about getting out?

Wedge shrugged, not thinking that it was really possible!

Wedge: That's not really possible, is it?

Sabine smiled a little bit, she'll take that as a yes to her instincts, before revealing that it may be more possible than Wedge realizes!

Sabine: Maybe more possible than you realize...

Confused, Wedge asked her what she meant by that!

Wedge: What are you talking about?

Quickly making sure that no Imperial Officers were listening, she revealed her true identity and that she was sent in by the Rebellion to get Wedge out!

Sabine: My real name is Sabine Wren... I was sent in to get you out!

Relieved, Wedge realized that the Rebellion really did get his message!

Wedge: (Sighs) So the Rebellion did get my message!

But Sabine knew that there were other Cadets who wanted out too!

Sabine: Yes! But I heard there were other pilots who want out, too...

Wedge confirms Sabine's answer, knowing that both Hobbie and wanted out too!

Wedge: There are!

Sabine nodded, she knew that they needed to leave before the Empire closes in, so she asked Wedge to get them ready!

Sabine: Okay, we need to leave now, before the Empire closes in... Can you get them ready?

Wedge nodded, asking what Sabine's plan was to get them out of here while he talked to his two Friends!

Wedge: I'll talk to them! What's your plan?

Sabine smirked, knowing that she'd tell Wedge that as soon as she figured that out!

Sabine: Well, I'll tell you when I figure that out!

Wedge was confused but amused a little bit, asking if Sabine was serious!

Wedge: Are you serious?

Sabine gave Wedge a real smile since she first got here yesterday, welcoming her new friend to the Rebellion!

Sabine: Welcome to the Rebellion...

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