Chapter One Two Hundred and Nine: A reluctant team up!/I'm watching you...

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Both Ezra and Rex's hands remained on their weapons, refusing to let Maul hurt their friends again!

Ezra: Maul! I don't know why you're following us, but I will not let you hurt my friends!

Maul raised his hands in defense, saying that he meant the Boy and his Friends no harm...

Darth Maul: Now relax, Young Skywalker... I'm not here to harm you and your Friends!

Rex frowned, he wasn't buying that one bit!

Captain Rex: Yeah, not happening...

Seeing that Ezra and Rex were both not in the mood after their little meeting with him earlier, Ahsoka asked what kind of game was Maul playing!

Ahsoka: Maul, what game are you playing?

Everyone deactivated their Lightsabers before Maul explained his reasons so that he could get on Ezra's good side!

Darth Maul: I am the enemy of your enemy now, and I have my own reasons for wanting the Empire to fall! But we have little time... The one they call Vader will be here soon!

Ezra winced, as Kaitis and Eldra placed a comforting hand on both of the kid's shoulders before Quinlan asked how Maul knew about this!

Quinlan Vos: And how do you know this?

Kaitis rolled his eyes, stating the obvious!

Kaitis: His dogs will tell him where we are... Five Jedi and a "part-timer..." No offence, Rex...

Captain Rex: None taken...

Maul paid no attention to them, knowing that Vader would not be able to resist them!

Darth Maul: Oh, he will come... He will not be able to resist us!

Ahsoka and Kanan however, didn't like the sound of that!

Ahsoka: Okay, hold on, there is no "us!" Dealing with Inquisitors is one thing, Vader is another...

Kanan: And I'm not convinced we're all on the same side anyway!

Ezra frowned, saying that they should trust him for now at least...

Ezra: Kanan, we should trust him, for now...

Kanan could sense that Ezra was a little bit reluctant about this, before wanting to make sure that the kid wanted to go through with this!

Kanan: Are you sure?

Ezra sighs before he nods, it might be the only way for them to find the knowledge that they came looking for!

Ezra: Yes... Using the Holocron may be risky, but it's the only way to make sure that this Temple isn't used for more Evil purposes! And this is why we came here, right? To find out about the Sith... To find a way to beat them! Ahsoka, you said we came here for knowledge!

But Ahsoka knew that there was no way a Jedi could unlock the Sith Holocron, while Maul explained that it could unlock the Temple itself!

Ahsoka: Yeah but there's one small problem, Ezra... There is no way a Jedi can unlock that Holocron!

Darth Maul: Maybe not, Lady Tano... But you may unlock the Temple itself!

Rex frowned, asking how they were supposed to do that exactly!

Captain Rex: Oh yeah? And... Tell us how are we supposed to do that?!

Maul explained things to Kanan and the others, but the Jedi was distrustful of why the former Sith Lord was working so hard to keep them here!

Darth Maul: At the top of the temple is a chamber... Connect the Holocron to the obelisk within and you can unlock the ancient knowledge of the Sith!

Kanan: Why are you working so hard to keep us here?

Maul knew that he couldn't defeat Vader alone, while Ezra thought that they should stay with him for now, but Kanan didn't think that was such a good idea!

Kanan: I cannot defeat Vader alone...

Ezra: I say we stay with him...

Kanan: Yeah? Well, I say we go, so that settles it!

Darth Maul: Do you not trust your Padawan?

Kaitis: Ezra? Yes, he does trust with his own life!

Kanan: You, not so much!

Darth Maul: Are you such cowards that you would run from this chance to defeat your enemies? Who slaughter your friends?

Ezra frowned, before he and Ahsoka both turned to Kanan, knowing that it was his call!

Ahsoka: Kanan?

Ezra: This was your mission to come here, Kanan... Ahsoka and I trust you, it's your call!

Kanan took out of his com link, before telling Chopper that they were staying for a while!

Kanan: Chopper, we're staying for a while...

While Chopper knew that it was a bad idea, Kanan just told the Droid to keep the Phantom out of sight and scan for incoming ships, for now...

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Kanan: Yeah, I know it's a bad idea! Just scan for incoming ships, and keep the Phantom out of sight...

Chopper did so as Maul smirked, seeing that they were all on the same side, for now anyway...

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Darth Maul: Oh, how exciting... We're all on the same side!

Kanan rolled his eyes, wanting to get this over with already!

Kanan: Just show us how to get to the top, and hurry!

Ezra turned around, warning that he was watching him!

Ezra: Oh, and Maul? Even think about trying to harm Kanan to try and make me your little errand boy, and you'll wish that 

Darth Maul: Never crossed my mind...

Ezra: Alright... But I'm watching you!

Maul nods, before leading the way!

Darth Maul: This way!

Kaitis frowned, knowing that "Grandpa" was obviously hiding his true intentions for Ezra!

Kaitis: It's obvious that he's hiding something... We should keep an eye on him if he tries something, especially if he does try to hurt Kanan just to get to Ezra!

Eldra smiled, glad that Kaitis was learning to find his way back to the Light... And the Jedi that he used to be!

Eldra: I couldn't agree more with you right now, Bro...

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