Chapter One Hundred and Ninety-Eight: Arriving on Malachor!/Everyone falls!

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Soon as the Phantom begins to descend into Malachor's atmosphere, Chopper beeped worried to Ezra!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ezra: Hmm? What's the matter now, buddy?

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Chopper repeats what he says to Kanan, confusing the Jedi more so than Ezra was!

Kanan: A ship? What type?

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Unfortunately, Chopper reported his findings, causing Eldra to say that Chopper couldn't tell!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Eldra: He can't tell...

Kanan frowned before telling Chopper to track it, wanting to know who else was interested in Malachor!

Kanan: Track it, let's see who else is interested in this place...

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

After passing through several clouds, Ezra spotted something on the ground in the distance...

Ezra: Whoa, look, up ahead...

Eldra and her old Master both see what her young Adoptive Figure was pointing at, seeing a large group of towering monoliths! Ezra turned to Kanan, confused by what those are!

Ezra: What is that?

Kanan frowned, he doesn't know! But what he does is that the Ship they are tracking went down there!

Kanan: I don't know, but the ship we're tracking went there...

Eldra frowned, asking what should they do!

Eldra: So... What should we do?

Kanan started to set the Phantom, thinking that they should check things out while trying to get their answers!

Kanan: I'm gonna set her down...

Ezra frowned at Eldra, just as long as it's not those Inquisitors Siblings just yet... Anything but them!

Ezra: Just as long as it's not those Inquisitor Siblings just yet, Eldra... Anything but them!

Later, the Phantom approached the structures, and everyone got out... But the bad news was that Ezra didn't see any Ship, and Vos couldn't track the Ship anywhere near them!

Ezra: I don't see any ship...

Quinlan Vos: Well, don't look at me!

Ahsoka frowned at Eldra, knowing that it has gotta be around here somewhere!

Ahsoka: It's gotta be around here somewhere...

Kanan turned to Chopper, before asking the Droid to try and to get a fix on its location!

Kanan: Chopper, try to get a fix on its location!

Chopper beeped in agreement, before the rest of the Group went ahead!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Arriving at the monoliths, Eldra and Vos were both very confused about what they were, even by Sith standards!

Eldra: What are these things?

Quinlan Vos: You got me, Eldra... None of this makes any sense to me, even by Sith Standards!

Ahsoka took a closer look, noticing that the writing was in some kind of old tongue, one that was truly ancient...

Ahsoka: This writing... It's in the old tongue!

Quinlan Vos: Yeah... One that seems truly ancient to me!

Kanan frowned, before asking if Ahsoka could try to read it!

Kanan: Can you read it?

Ahsoka did her best, but could only make out just a few words...

Ahsoka: I can try... It's a very old form, I can only make out a few words!

By while they were all talking, neither of them noticed that Ezra was already walking towards one of the monoliths, who had become mesmerized somehow as he placed his hand on themonoliths, much to both Kanan's concern and Ahsoka's horror!

Kanan: No!

Ahsoka: Ezra, don't!

Then of a sudden, all Five of them started to fall through a cavern underneath them!

All Five: (Screaming)

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