Chapter Two Hundred and Forty-Three: Ezra's guilt worsens.../A Tragic message?

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In a quiet room, Ezra shuts the door behind him, he drops onto the floor, hugging his knees tightly... The guilt of what happened on Malachor is too much for him to take anymore, as whispers of his worst fears from his nightmares echo throughout his mind...

Ezra: I didn't mean to... I thought I was doing something good!

Ezra: No! No, no, no! Wh- When did this happen?

Sabine: Don't you remember? This is all your doing... You helped Maul find the Sith Holocron... Your actions led to THIS! You've been the real villain this whole time!

Ezra: Wha- Listen, I- I don't know what I missed, but I'd never do this!

Sabine: I'm sorry, Ezra... But I have to take you down!

Ezra: Sabine, please!

Hera: You know, Ezra, my life changed after I met you... I finally believed that there was this big, bright future ahead of myself... (Sighs) But that didn't last long, did it? You destroyed my home and any chance I had at happiness. I have no future now... NONE OF US DO!

Kaitis: Look, everyone. It's good ol' Ezra... And he, just might be, the biggest hypocrite ever!

Ezra: Wh- what?

Kaitis: Everyone helped you get back to your old self... Meanwhile, because of you, I'll never see my Home of Lothal again!

Ezra: Kaitis, no. I- I- I swear, we'll get Lothal back! We'll get everyone back! I won't stop till we do...

Kaitis: Tell that to HER!

Eldra: I've always just— followed orders... I never thought about making friends or— going to school... Then I met Quinlan Vos... He was more than a Jedi Master... He was my best friend! And then I lost him, helping you! But you still get to have your own Jedi Master?! Why, Ezra? Why do you get to have it all?!

Ezra frowned as he clutched his head and his ears, the teary-eyed voices of Sabine, Hera, Kaitis, Eldra, and Kanan even echoed through his head!

Kanan: How could you do it, Ezra Skywalker?! How could you betray your friends?! Now everyone is gone!

Eldra: It was for the greater good...

Kanan: We'll never forgive you... Never! I'm sorry. But for the sake of everyone you hurt—

Ezra: Please...No... 

Ezra shook his head, he could not take it anymore! Pulling out his Datapad, he begins recording a message for Kaitis to show to Kanan later...

Ezra: Dear diary: All I ever wanted was to be good at something, to be around people who also liked that something... And when I found out by my True Family, I thought, 'Wow, I found it! I can learn about the Force... I can be a Jedi! I-I won't have to be the dummy on the streets anymore!' But I messed up too much and put everyone in danger... If it weren't for me, the mess on Malachor would have never happened... There was this cave-in, and I met him... I met him when he was still just an old man, and I taught him about the Sith Temple... I introduced him to the Presence within the Sith Holocron... I set everything in motion! I'm sorry, everyone... And of course, I was convinced we should move to Tarkintown to be closer to that fancy garden that reminded Kaitis so much of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and well... Kanan and the others all know on how well that ended!

When it comes to the part about Kaitis, Ezra becomes sad and tears up before he looks away briefly...

Ezra: Eldra always said that I have to learn from my mistakes, so... (A single tear falls down his cheek...) I know what I have to do now...

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