Chapter One Two Hundred and Fourteen: Another problem down!/Maul's betrayal!

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Ezra, Maul, Kaitis, and Eldra had all made it to other side of the Pyramid, where they had found that Vos, Kanan, Rex, and Ahsoka were being ambushed by the Two remaining Inquisitors! But Ezra also noticed that Maul was troubled by something!

Ezra: What is it?

But Maul shook his head, before telling the Young Jedi what to while he handles this!

Darth Maul: Nothing... We must not delay... I will handle this, you take the Holocron... Place it in the Obelisk, activate the Temple, gain the knowledge you seek!

Kaitis however, offered to do it instead!

Kaitis: Ezra, wait! I'll go, this is my mess technically about not being honest you and the rest of my Family, and I'm gonna clean it up!

Eldra and Ezra both nodded, respecting his wishes while Maul frowned as Kaitis took the Holocron from him, promising to meet his Siblings at the top!

Eldra: We'll be fine, go!

Ezra: Right!

Kaitis: Okay... I'll meet you guys at the top!

As Kaitis took off, Maul, Ezra, and Eldra all went to help Kanan and the others!

Ezra: (Grunts)

Kanan: Ezra! What are you doing here?!

Ezra: You looked like you guys needed a helping hand!

Maul engages the Fifth Brother and forced him onto the back foot! Taking advantage if his distraction, both Vos and Ahsoka lunged forward and strikes at the Fifth Brother's Lightsaber, damaging it rendering it completely useless! Disarmed and defenseless, Maul dispatches the Fifth Brother with relative ease! After the Eighth Brother has a brief encounter with both Rex's Blaster Fire Eldra's Lightsaber, Kanan and Ezra both land a glancing blow onto the Eighth Brother's Lightsaber Hilt, causing signifiant damage to the Weapon! Ezra frowned as he and the others all pointed their Weapons at the Eighth Brother!

Ezra: It's over, Eighth Brother!

Confronted by Rex, Maul, and the Jedi, the Eighth Brother tries to fly away with his Lightsaber helicopter technique! However, the damage caused by both Ezra and Kanan was so severe that the Weapon begins to arc both internally and externally! Soon the Blades short out completely and the hilt begins to spark! Then the damaged Lightsaber eventually splits in half while in mid-air, sending the Eighth Brother to his demise! Ezra sighed with relief, that was Three less problems down for now!

Ezra: Well, that's another less problem down!

Maul sensed that something was up... Seeing that Ezra and Eldra were both unharmed, Kanan turned to Maul, demanding to know why Kaitis wasn't with both Eldra and his Student!

Kanan: Where's Kaitis?! Why isn't he with both Eldra and Ezra?!

However, Maul said something that caught everyone off guard!

Darth Maul: You mean... With my Apprentice?

Kanan and the others were surprised by that, while Ezra quickly raised both of his Lightsabers in self-defense, just as Maul launched his own Red Lightsaber at Kanan's eyes while the Jedi was distracted! But by the time that Kanan finally figured out what was going on, Ezra had deflected Maul's Lightsaber with his own, but the blocked Attack left a damaging mark... The heat of the former Sith Lord's Lightsaber had left a damaging crispy mark above his left eye like Anakin's eye was, much ti his friends's concern!

Darth Maul: (Grunts) 

Ezra: (Grunts) Aah!!! 

Kanan and Eldra: No!

Captain Rex and Vos: Kid!

Ahsoka: Ezra!

Maul however, was sadly disappointed!

Darth Maul: I'm not impressed!

Ahsoka quickly steps in to defend Ezra from Maul's incoming attack while Kanan and the others check on their injured friend!

Ezra: (Groans in Pain!)

Captain Rex: Ezra, are you alright?!

Eldra and Vos: Kid?

Ezra: Yeah, I'm fine...

Kanan gently touched the injury near Ezra's eye, while his reassures him that he'll be okay!

Kanan: Ezra... Your eye...

Ezra: Ow... No, I'm okay! 

While the others were making sure that Ezra was okay, Maul was revealing his plan to Ahsoka while he fought her!

Darth Maul: My Apprentice's Adoptive Brother is activating the Temple, or more precisely, this Battle Station, which I shall use to extract my Revenge on all my Enemies!

Ezra frowned at Rex, he knew that something was wrong earlier!

Ezra: I knew that something was up!

Vos frowned, not if he can't help it!

Quinlan Vos: Not if I can help it...

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