Chapter One Two Hundred and Six: Kanan's devotion to Ezra!/Maul's advantage...

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As the Temple shook, Ezra knew that as much as he wanted to deal with the Inquisitors right now, the kid knew that now might be a good time to retreat! But while they were distracted, no one noticed that the Eighth Brother had used the opportunity to use his wrist communicator to contact Kaitis and the other Inquisitors1

Ezra: Even though I want to deal with the Inquisitors right now so that they stop hunting us like animals, I think it's now a good time for retreat!

Eldra smirked, knowing that was a new word for him!

Eldra: Retreat? That's a new word for you!

Ahsoka smirked, remembering when Ezra's Father said the very same thing when she was the kid's age...

Anakin: I think it's now a good time for retreat!

Young Ahsoka: Retreat? That's a new word for you!

Quinlan saw that the kid made a good point before Kanan told Chopper to get back to the Ship so that they could get ready to leave!

Quinlan Vos: Tactical retreat, I can live with that!

Kanan: Get back to the Phantom and get ready to leave!

Chopper nodded, before flying back to the Ship!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

As the Droid flies back to the Phantom, Ahsoka roughly helps the Eighth Brother up to his feet, telling him that it's time for them to take a walk!

Ahsoka: Come on, let's take a walk!

As Ahsoka gets the Prisoner moving roughly, Maul watched with amusement from the shadows... His attention then turned to Kanan, interested in the Master who is doomed to fail since he doesn't believe in the beliefs of the Sith!

Ahsoka: (Grunting) 

Darth Maul: Some things never change, do they... Commander Rex and Lady Tano?

Kanan: (Panting) Come on, kid! Move!

Ezra: No argument here!

Maul smirked, thinking of how he could use their Trust and Loyalty against each other... But first, he had to see how much Ezra truly trusted his Master!

Darth Vader: Interesting... But let's see how much young Skywalker trusts you, and how I can use it to my advantage!

Tapping in his anger and the power of the Sith Holocron, Maul created a gap between Kanan and Ezra to separate the both of them, much to everyone's shock and horror!

Ezra: Aah! (Gasps)

Ahsoka and Rex: No!

Quinlan Vos and Eldra: Ezra!

Kanan: Kid!

Maul smirked from the shadows, curious as to how Kanan will save his Young Palawan now!

Darth Maul: (Chuckling with Evil Glee!) Such chaos... So, how will you save your Padawan from my evil trap now, Master Jedi?

Seeing that the gap was separating the kid larger and larger from him and the others, Kanan told  Ezra to jump!

Kanan: Jump!

Ezra stood back in fear, knowing that he wouldn't make it as the gap grew even larger!

Ezra: I won't make it!

Kanan: Ezra!

Ezra: I... I can't!

Eldra frowned, worried for her Adoptive Brother's life! Meanwhile, Kaitis and the other Inquisitors were tracing the Eighth Brother's comlink, when the Former Jedi noticed that the unstable ground was getting even more and more unstable! Kaitis rolled his eyes, knowing that Ezra was most probably involved in this mess somehow right now!

Kaitis: Why do I know Ezra's involved in this somehow?

The Seventh Sister followed the Eighth Brother's com link signal, knowing that the rest of the Rebels were probably with them!

Seventh Sister: Eighth Brother and the other Rebels should be this way too, come on!

On the other side of the Chaos movements taking place, before the gap got further away and out of Kanan's reach, the Jedi asked Ezra to trust him that he would catch him!

Kanan: Trust me!

Taking a deep calming breath through the Force as Kanan had taught him, Ezra quickly jumped over the huge gap! But before the kid had the chance to fall in, Kanan quickly uses the Force to levitate Ezra to safety! Once the kid was levitated safely back onto solid ground, Ahsoka left the Eighth Brother under Eldra's watchful eye before she went to check on Ezra, asking if the kid was all right!

Ezra: (Sighing) Thanks...

Ahsoka: Ezra!

Kanan: Are you alright?!

Ezra nodded, knowing that was cutting it too close for his liking!

Ezra: (Groans) I think so... But this unstable Planet is getting a little too close for my liking! This was no unstable accident...

Kanan nodded, he couldn't agree more!

Kanan: I couldn't agree more with you right now, kid... We better keep moving!

As everyone rushes to use the Sith Temple's door as a shortcut, Maul is impressed with Kanan's devotion to Ezra, which makes it a great advantage for him!

Darth Maul: Again... They protect the boy despite the fact that he is a liability to them! Truly honourable! And that makes it a great assent for me...

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