Chapter Three Hundred and Six: Lost Contact?/Something Tragic...

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Later in the war room, Ezra had just arrived with his friends and their grumpy guest, asking Commander Sato what the problem was!

Ezra: Alright guys, what's the problem? I'm missing dinner!

Sato and Hera both shook their heads a little bit unsure, revealing what their problem was!

Hera: We're not exactly sure yet, Ezra!

Commander Sato: We've lost communications with the Mandalorian base on Concord Dawn!

Rau, Ezra, and Sabine all reacted with shock, as both Omega and Hunter told them that the Rebel Leaders were concerned that Rau's Protectors were setting a trap for them!

All three: Wait, what?!

Omega: That's literally what I said!

Hunter: The Rebel leaders are concerned that your protectors are setting a trap for us...

Rau however thinks that is impossible, his men are loyal to their word, knowing that the Rebels's safe passage through their system is secure!

Fenn Rau: Impossible! My men are loyal to my word... Your safe passage through our system is secure.

Ezra frowned, he's going to have to side with Rau on this one!

Ezra: Normally I would agree with anything that you and the other Rebel Leaders say about the Empire setting traps for us, Commander Sato, but I have to agree with Rau this time!

Minister Tua looked at Ezra shocked, she never thought that she would hear Ezra say that!

Minister Tua: I never thought I'd hear you say that!

Ezra frowned, neither did he!

Ezra: Neither did I... If we've lost communication, something's happened!

Sabine sees that Ezra made a good point, before deciding that she should go check it out with Rau offering to go with her, knowing that he could talk to his men!

Sabine: Ezra's right, you guys... I'll go check it out!

Fenn Rau: I should go with you... They're my men! I can talk to them...

Zeb thought that was a bad idea since Rau was technically still their prisoner!

Zeb: Wait... Isn't he our prisoner?

Kanan frowned, it was more like a cranky guest instead!

Kanan: More like a cranky guest...

Both Ezra and Hera chuckled at that before she said that Rau could go with them, as long as he stayed in binders as she reminded Kanan, Ezra, and Chopper to not engage while they went with Sabine!

Hera: (Chuckles)

Ezra: (Giggles) Classic...

Hera: He can go, but he stays in binders... Take Kanan, Ezra, and Chopper... Do a recon sweep of their base, then come right back! You are not to land or engage... And try not to wreck the Phantom II... We just got that thing!

Sabine nods before she leaves with Ezra, Rau, and Chopper... Omega saw the worries on Kanan's face, knowing that something was bothering him!

Sabine: Understood!

Kanan: Hmm...

Omega: Oh, I know that look... You're thinking, aren't you, Kanan?

Hunter: Something wrong?

Kanan frowned, revealing Ezra's secret worries about something or something being behind this problem, who isn't Stormtroopers for once!

Kanan: Ezra's worried that all of the Protectors are gone and killed by something who isn't Bucketheads for once! And I think that he might be right...

Kanan left to join the others on the Phantom II, as everyone watched in worry and concern for Ezra's feelings on the matter!

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