Chapter One Two Hundred and Twenty-Three: A Dark Secret.../The Seventh Fleet?

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Back in her room on her old Ship, Eldra opened the door! She was very angry at her so-called friends as she vented her frustrations with the Presence inside her new Holocron, her coldness from using the Sith Holocron really started to get out of control!

Eldra: Terba got himself killed! It's not my fault! They never would have succeeded without me! Don't they know that?!

Presence: Your anger gives you strength, gives you focus... You can see things clearly your friends cannot! Now, what else do you desire?

Eldra removes the Sith Holocron from one of her drawers, which is where she keeps it hidden from everyone else when she's not using it! She then picks it up, explaining what her desire was!

Eldra: They can't see... If they can't see, I must become stronger, more powerful... I will never let my friends get hurt again!

Meanwhile, on an Imperial Star Destroyer, Governor Pryce was having a private meeting with Grand Moff Tarkin in his office, having another way to deal with the Rebels!

Grand Moff Tarkin: Governor Pryce... How are things proceeding on Lothal?

Governor Pryce: Lothal is secure, Moff Tarkin... But I am here about the recent rebel attack at the prison on Naraka, which I believe is only the beginning of a larger rebel threat!

Grand Moff Tarkin: I am inclined to agree... Although Lord Vader has dealt with the insurgency's Jedi leadership, these rebels have proven particularly stubborn! How do you intend to solve this problem?

Governor Pryce: I want the Seventh Fleet...

Grand Moff Tarkin: I see... And what of Admiral Konstantine and his fleet?

Governor Pryce: Admiral Konstantine is more a politician than a soldier... I need someone who sees the bigger picture!

Grand Moff Tarkin: Very well... You shall have the Seventh Fleet!

Governor Pryce: Thank you, Moff Tarkin...

Little did the Rebels know, that this one person would be much more trouble than even Lord Vader ever was!

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