Chapter One Hundred and Ninety-Two: Two Teams.../Used to not having them around!

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As Rex was dragged off, Sabine tried to go after him!

Sabine: Rex!

But she was blocked by the rest of the kryknas, and began fighting them off with her Blasters! But when she hid behind the sensor marker, they stopped attacking her!

Sabine: What are you waiting for? Come on!

But then, the Ghost arrived and managed to drive the krykna away with their cannon fire, before coming over to Sabine's side! Zeb frowned as they did, he hated multi-leggers...

Zeb: (Sighs) I hate multi-leggers...

Hera: Sabine! You're okay?

Sabine nodded, as Kanan noticed that Rex wasn't with her!

Kanan: Where's Rex?

Sabine: Those creatures took him... I think they got Deiser too!

Horrified, Ezra launched himself into Kanan's arms for a hug... The Jedi Leader could see that his Student was upset, especially since both he and Rex had finally managed to become friends and considering that Rex was like Family to Ezra, who had already lost enough Family already, both in Adoptive and Blood forms!

Ezra: (Gasps)

Kanan: It's okay, kid... We'll find Rex, I promise!

Thinking quickly, Hera ordered Chopper to locate Rex's position!

Hera: Chopper, locate Rex's position!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ezra bravely wiped his tears away, saying that Rex was this way!

Ezra: He says this way!

Zeb frowned, wanting to stay on the Ship!

Zeb: I'll, uh... I'll guard the ship!

Hera knew that needed Zeb's help right now, before telling Chopper to stay and get the Ghost ready for take-off!

Hera: We need you, Zeb... Chopper, stay here and keep the Ghost ready for take-off!

Chopper nodded, before he flew the Phantom back into the Ghost!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Later, the Rebels had ventured into the underground tunnels, with both Ezra and Kanan using their lightsabers to provide some light so that they could see where they were going! Zeb complained about his fear with big spider creatures as Sabine then told her friends about what she knew about the kryknas!

Zeb: More than two legs is just excessive!

Ezra: (Sighs) Can you deal with your fear of Spider creatures later after we rescue Rex?!

Zeb: Sorry, my bad!

Sabine: Just stay sharp and stick together... They have tough armor... Aim for the eyes!

As they moved deeper into the tunnels, Hera knew that they cover more ground if they split up!

Hera: We need to split up...

Sabine wanted Ezra to go with Hera, but the Pilot told Ezra to stay with Kanan while the young Explosive Expert and Zeb stayed with her!

Sabine: Ezra, go with Hera!

Hera: No. Ezra, stay with Kanan... Sabine, Zeb, with me!

Kanan: Let's go!

While the two Teams went through two different sections of the cave tunnels, Zeb asked if it would've been wise to have a Jedi on each Team?

Zeb: Shouldn't we have a Jedi on each team?

Hera frowned, she knew that they have gotta get used to not having them around to bail them out all the time!

Hera: We've gotta get used to not having them around...

Sabine frowned, if they get out of this mess alive, she will make sure that Kanan talks to Hera, knowing that she still fears not seeing Kanan and the kid again despite of her saying that she supports their mission!

Shortly later, Ezra and Kanan were walking through their cave tunnel, when Kanan paused, seeing a krykna right in front of them! Kanan held up his Saber in Defense, while Ezra tries to Force Connect with it!

Ezra: Oh, let me try to connect with it!

Kanan: I don't think so...

Ezra: Trust me, I got this!

But just when it looked like he did Force connected with the creature but it became frightened, it attacked Ezra! Luckily, Kanan managed to kill it before it had the chance to harm Ezra, before he chided his apprentice for lacking common sense!

Kanan: Hey! Maybe I should teach you more common sense!

But before Ezra could yell that he had common sense before Kanan started teaching him and his Master always changes the subject when he starts winning, he overheard some more kryknas coming their way!

Ezra: We can argue about this later! Come on!

Seeing that they have to focus on surviving right now, Kanan agreed before making a run for it!

Kanan: I see your point!

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