Chapter Two Hundred and Forty-Seven: Having a bad day.../An escape attempt!

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Back on the Ghost, Maul was still struggling to open Kanan's Holocron while he was still inside the Jedi's Cabin... But so far, he was having a bad day with the Jedi Holocron, before he started to lose his temper!

Darth Maul: You will yield to my power!

From the Common Room, Hera and the others heard the former Sith Lord's frustrated screams... Sabine smirked, knowing that someone was not happy!

Sabine: Wow... Someone's not happy...

Hera smirked, deciding to make his day even worse!

Hera: Yeah, let's make his day worse! Ready?

Zeb didn't need to be asked twice, as he kicked Chopper into two of Maul's tour guide droids! The Rebels then knocked out the rest of their captors, and took the droid's blasters! Hera then told the others to get to the engine room, quietly...

Hera: Get to the engine room... Quietly...

Moving quickly but quietly, they all made their way down to the engine room via the central ladder, as Zeb closed the trapdoor. just as Maul enters after he hears the noise from Kanan's Cabin, only to find the Common Room empty! Maul rolled his eyes, seeing that Sabine and others to trying an escape attempt so they beat him!

Darth Maul: Oh, so you Four are going to try and outrun me! How droll...

On the lower deck, Sabine, Hera, and Zeb hear Maul walking by... Zeb frowned, noting that Maul does make a lot of clanking noises!

Zeb: Here he comes... He makes an awful lot of clanking!

Sabine knew that Zeb had a point, remembering that Maul is part Droid!

Hera: He is part droid...

Sabine agreed, knowing that they could probably use that against him!

Sabine: We can use that against him.

The three of them quickly hide behind a closed door just before Maul comes down the front ladder and sees Chopper in the cargo bay!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Hera knew that Maul was in the hold before Sabine ordered Chopper to activate the magnetizer!

Hera: He's in the hold!

Sabine: Chopper, magnetize!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Chopper does so, pulling Maul onto the cargo bay's ceiling! The Three Rebels then burst out of the closed door and attacked him! Unfortunately, Maul broke free of the magnetizer by using his lightsaber to deflect their blaster fire into the astromech socket, deactivating it! Maul then hurls the rebels aside, by force-throwing both Zeb and Hera and even force-choking Sabine before throwing her aside next to the others, before he locks Chopper in a store room!

Turning to the recovering Sabine on the ground next to Hera, Maul told them angrily that the two of them as well as Chopper and Zeb will remain alive as long as they are useful to him!

Darth Maul: You will remain alive only so long as you're of use to me!

Maul shuts the door behind him, knowing that as soon as he has Ezra and the Holocrons, he won't need Kanan, his friends, or Eldra and Kaitis's lives to be useful anymore!

Darth Maul: (Evil Chuckles) It'll be a pleasure killing those Four and tossing Kanan out of an airlock! And then I'll deal with Ezra's Adoptive Siblings later... Once those Two Holocrons and The Jedi that Ezra used to be is gone, I won't need any of those Rebels's help any longer!

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