Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty-Seven: Old Memories.../Tension and Scars...

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As Rex and the others walked inside the transport, Rex and Ahsoka both explained to Ezra and the others about a battle during the Clone War and how an old transport like this one was the perfect place to find weapons, ammo, and maybe even some proton bombs!

Captain Rex: There was a battle here during the Clone War... 

Ahsoka: This old transport's the perfect place to find weapons, ammo, and maybe even some proton bombs!

Omega frowned, asking Hunter if any of those could help with the fight against the Empire!

Omega: Hunter? Could any of those items help with our fight against the Empire?

Hunter frowned, they could if they weren't complete junk like the old Battle Droids were!

Hunter: Hmm... Maybe!

Eldra: If they aren't complete junk like the old Battle Droids are!

Omega: Uh... Hello! Unaltered Female Clone from Kamino right here!

Suddenly, Ezra picked the head of a B1-series battle droid, asking Kaitis if this was a Separatist battle droid!

Ezra: Hey, was this a Separatist battle droid?

His two Adoptive Siblings agreed that it was, only it was just a little piece of it anyway...

Eldra: Yeah...

Kaitis: Well... A Little piece of one anyway!

Rex frowned, remembering that this place used to be crawling with 'em and how he and his friends used to call them clankers!

Captain Rex: This place used to be crawling with 'em... We called 'em clankers!

Omega smirked at Hunter, he liked the sound of that!

Omega: Clankers... I like that!

Hunter: (Chuckling)

When Zeb asked both him and Ahsoka how many of these Droids Rex thought he blasted, the two of them shrugged at each other... Rex was never one who kept count like some of the boys!

Zeb: How many of these things do you think you blasted?

Ahsoka: I don't know... Rex?

Captain: Thousands... Probably tens of thousands... Never kept count like some of the boys!

Ezra frowned, the Droids who were now junk didn't look all that dangerous to him!

Ezra: They don't look very dangerous...

Rex, however, yelled at Ezra while saying that those droids wiped out a lot of Republic troopers, a lot of them were his friends...

Captain Rex: Listen, those droids wiped out a lot of Republic troopers! Many of them were my friends...

Ezra winced as Rex walked ahead, while both Kaitis and Kanan tried to reassure the kid that Rex was just going through a lot right now!

Kaitis: Don't listen to him, kid... Rex has just been through a lot!

Kanan: Kaitis's right, Ezra... Which is a sentence I would never thought that I would say almost 3 years ago... Battles leave scars, some you can't see!

Omega frowned, asking if Hunter and Ahsoka were also picking up the little tension between Rex and Ezra right now!

Omega: Anyone else picking up on a little tension between Rex and Ezra?

Hunter shrugged at Ahsoka, maybe a little!

Hunter and Ahsoka: Ehhh...

Ahsoka: A little...

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