Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty-Nine: Separatists Alive?!/Stunned!

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Ezra and the others frowned, seeing the Battle Droids that Omega was worried about, even though they were supposed to all be shut down years ago!

Ezra: Look! Aren't those battle droids?

Zeb: I thought they were all shut down...

Hunter: Well, these weren't!

The Battle Droids started to confuse them even more by talking about the Separatist Alliance and Republic Invaders!

Battle Droid 2: You have been captured by the Separatist Alliance!

Ahsoka: Separatists?

Battle Droid 1: Prepare to blast the Republic invaders!

Kanan: Republic invaders?

The Commander then tells them their new orders for the Rebels!

Battle Droid 2: Belay that order...

Battle Droid 1: Roger, Roger!

Ezra: Wait, who's Roger?

The Droid Commander says that they have to incapacitate and capture their prisoners, causing everyone but Hunter and Omega to get shocked!

Battle Droid 1: We have new orders, incapacitate and capture!

Battle Droid 2: Activating stunner!

Everyone: (Screaming) 

Omega: No!

But the Droid Commander tells them to stop, before ordering the Droids to take them to the Command Center!

Battle Droid 1: Wait! Take them to the command center...

His men did so, as the two Droids talked about how they hadn't captured anyone in years, if not ever!

Battle Droid 1: We haven't captured anyone in years!

Battle Droid 2: We haven't captured anyone ever...

Ezra shrugged at Kaitis, they were confused about why there were still Battle Droids left after the Clone Wars ended! But before anyone else could say anything, all of them were stunned by a stun ray! Unknown to anybody, Chopper was spying on them with his camera the whole time... While Chopper knew that he may not be the sharpest Droid Hero from the Clone Wars, but even he knew that this mission would bring back a lot more painful scars for the Clone War survivors...

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