Chapter Two Hundred and Forty-One: Carbon scoring?/An old Enemy returns!

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On the Hammerhead Corvette, Ezra asked Kaitis what his scanners were picking up!

Ezra: Kaitis, report!

Kaitis: Sensors indicate "spooky..." In fact, I'm going to have to go with "very spooky!"

Eldra frowned, knowing that this Corvette had seen better days!

Eldra: It looks like it was attacked... There must have been one heck of a fight... 

Kaitis: Ezra does have a point, you guys... People don't abandon spaceships just because things are going well!

Kanan: This place is trashed... What the heck happened here?

Just then, Ezra tripped over something!

Ezra: Oof!

Kaitis: Ezra!

Kanan: Are you okay?

Ezra shook his head, seeing that it was a destroyed Astromech that he had tripped over!

Ezra: Yeah, I just tripped over a destroyed Astromech! (Coughs)

Kanan: Whoa, take it easy, Ezra...

Eldra frowned before Kanan found what was making Ezra cough so badly!

Eldra: Oh! Good heavens, what is that smell?!

Kanan: I can smell the carbon scoring...

Ezra: That's what was making me cough so badly! (Coughs)

Just then, they heard a wounded Crewman from one of the nearby chambers!

Crewman: (Groaning)

Eldra and Kaitis both hurried over to where the sound was coming from, as Kanan helped Ezra up to his feet!

Crewman: Over here!

Ezra helped the wounded Crewman sit up before Kanan asked what happened here!

Ezra: Hang on, all right? We'll get you help!

Kanan: What happened here?

Seeing that the wounded Crewman was struggling with his last breaths, he told Ezra and the others what had happened here!

Crewman: Red... Red blade! After you... Made me tell... The Ghost is in danger!

As Ezra felt the Crewman's life leave him,  Kanan thought that this Red Blade Weider was another Inquisitor!

Kanan: Another Inquisitor?

Eldra shrugged in confusion while Kaitis that they had to warn Hera and the others, and they had to warn them fast!

Eldra: Possibly...

Kaitis: We've gotta warn Hera!

As he and his Sister rushed back to the Ghost, Ezra's cold feeling seemed to get even worse than before! As Kanan walked with him back to the Ship, he asked if his Student was okay!

Kanan: Hey, you okay?

Ezra frowned, thinking that another Inquisitor was the least of their problems right now!

Ezra: Honestly, I think that another Inquisitor is the least of our problems, right now Kanan...

Back on their Corvette travelling through Hyperspace back to Chopper Base, Ezra and the others were still waiting for Hera to reply... Just then, the Rebel Pilot finally got Hera on a transmission for them!

Rebel Pilot: Got the Ghost for you now, sir!

Ezra sighed with relief!

Ezra: Finally, some info!

Seeing that Hera was okay, Kanan and the others both quickly explained that an Inquisitor was after the Ghost!

Kanan: Hera! Am I glad to see you're all right...

Hera: Kanan...

Kaitis: There's another Inquisitor after us!

Ezra: He knows where the Ghost is!

But Hea frowned with her hands behind her, knowing that it was not an Inquisitor!

Hera: Kanan, it's not an Inquisitor...

The cold feeling in Ezra's gut grew even worse than before, knowing who it was now!

Ezra: No...

Kaitis: Oh boy...

Eldra: Fantastic...

Kanan frowned, before asking with concern for his Student and his two Childhood friends about who was it!

Kanan: What? Who is it?

However, the voice that spoke up was literally the one voice that Kanan never wanted to hear again after 6 Months!

Darth Maul: Just an old friend, Master Jedi...

Eldra and Kaitis frowned as Ezra gasped back into Kanan's arms in trauma, Darth Maul and his repurposed Tour Guide Droids had captured, Hera, Zeb, Sabine, and even Chopper!

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