Chapter One Two Hundred and Thirteen: So Predictable!/Weakness or Sympathy?

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Meanwhile on the other side of the Pyramid, Rex and Quinlan had just gotten off their lift just as both Ahsoka and Kanan got off their Lift as well! But just as they did, Kanan heard Ezra's screaming as he fought the Seventh Sister! He frowned at the others, knowing that didn't sound good to him at all!

Ezra: (Screaming)

Kanan: That doesn't sound good...

But soon, Ahsoka warned that Ezra and the others weren't the only ones who were being attacked right now!

Ahsoka: Look out!

Rex quickly drew his Blasters as Kanan, Quinlan, and Ahsoka quickly activated their Lightsabers after hearing Ahsoka's warning! It was both the Fifth Brother and the Eighth Brother, who smirked evilly at the Tree Jedi and the old Clone Wars Hero!

Eighth Brother: You old Jedi Heroes are oh so predictable!

Fifth Brother: Not that it matters, Eighth Brother... Young Skywalker will soon belong to the Seventh Sister, who will deliver him and the rest of your friends to Lord Vader, Captain Rex!

As Rex and the others fought them both with his Blaster Fire and with their Lightsabers, Kanan growled at that threat!

Kanan: You don't know Ezra!

As Kanan and the others were dealing with their own problems, Kaitis had finally destroyed all of the Seventh Sister's Seeker Droids!

Eldra: Feel better?

Kaitis: A little bit! To be honest, I never liked those Droids anyway!

Eldra: Fair enough!

But after Kaitis had finished cleaning up his own little mess, he and Eldra both saw that Ezra was still fighting the Seventh Sister! While the Two of them were both encouraging their Little Adoptive Brother, Maul was giving him some Negative encouragement!

Eldra: Come on, Ezra!

Kaitis: You can beat her, kid!

Darth Maul: That's it, young one... Use your anger, use your pain, let it fill you... Fuel you!

Ezra quickly shoved the Seventh Sister's Blade away, causing the Female Jedi Hunter to stumble back a little bit! But before either of them could make another move, Kaitis noticed that something was up, which Eldra immediately noticed as well, due to the coldness in the air, which the Seventh Sister took notice of as well! Slowly, Maul began to levitate and Force Choke the Seventh Sister with the Force, to which the Female Inquisitor disagreed with as she struggled for air from the invisible hold on her!

Seventh Sister: (Gasps) No! No!

Kaitis frowned along with Eldra; they both knew that this wasn't pretty to watch, whether it was a Sith or not! Turning his attention away from the others, Maul ordered Ezra to strike the struggling Inquisitor down!

Darth Maul: Strike her down! You want to end this?! Finish her!

Ezra was tempted to kill her, but the young Jedi soon saw how helpless the Woman was; he saw how scared she was... 'Cause as much as he wanted his friends and him to be safe from her and the others hunting them all like animals; he was still a Jedi and could not bring himself to strike his unharmed opponent down, enemy or not! Ezra struggled with his mixed feelings about the matter as his determination disappeared before he announced his unwillingness to end the Seventh Sister's life!

Ezra: I can't!

Both Kaitis and Eldra both frowned with sympathy at Ezra's kindness while the Seventh Sister smirked at Ezra's weakness! Maul, however, grew very frustrated at the Boy's weakness as well! Very Devoid of any mercy whatsoever, Maul threw his Lightsaber at the Seventh Sister, killing the Woman in the process!

Seventh Sister: (Screaming)

Ezra's eyes widened with horror, seeing the Seventh Sister's terrible fate as her dead body and Lightsaber dropped to the ground! Taking deep breaths, Maul told the traumatized boy what might happen the next time that he hesitates!

Darth Maul: (Deep Breathing) The next time time hesitate like that, it may cost you your life... Or the lives of your friends!

Kaitis placed a comforting hand on Ezra's shoulder along with Eldra, trying to reassure the Young Jedi that he did the right thing, even though the results ended up shattering his confidence a little bit!

Eldra: Aw, cheer up, Ezra... I know that it was hard, but you did the right thing!

Kaitis: Eldars right, little bro... You couldn't let Maul's words sway you the same way that Sidious's words swayed your Father!

Ezra frowned as Kaitis returned his custom-built Lightsaber and he reassured Ezra that Kanan would understand!

Ezra: I guess so...

Kaitis: You'll know what to say to Kanan...

But just then as he was considering his two Adoptive Sibling's words, Ezra heard Kanan struggling with his own problems right now!

Kanan: (Grunts)

Hearing the screams from their friends, Maul knew that they had to hurry!

Darth Maul: We must hurry... I fear our companions are in danger!

Ezra nodded, before giving his previous warning about hurting Kanan or anyone else just to get to him!

Ezra: Alright! But I'm watching you... 

Eldra and Kaitis both nodded at each other, before they ran after both Maul and Ezra, hoping to catch up with Kanan and the others!

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