Chapter Three Hundred and Nine: Different Loyalty.../Trouble!

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At the Protector's old burned Camp, Ezra and the others explored for some clues! Rau soon discovers a bloodstained Mandalorian Helmet, deducing that it was definitely a surprise attack by another Clan!

Fenn Rau: Precision detonations, laser strikes from above... Definitely a surprise attack by another clan...

Ezra frowned, confused as to why other Mandalorians would attack other Mandalorians!

Ezra: I don't get it... Why would Mandalorians attack other Mandalorians?

Kanan shrugged, it was a little bit complicated...

Kanan: It's... Complicated!

Ezra: Since when is something that is related to either Jedi or Mandalorian history not complicated, Master?

Kanan: All right... Point taken, kid!

Sabine tries to console Rau, but he immediately chastises Sabine and the rest of her Rebellion friends for the loss of his men!

Sabine: Look, Rau...

Fenn Rau: This is all your Fault! If I'd been here instead of locked away by you and your Rebels, I could have prevented this!

Shocked by that, Ezra immediately defended Sabine's actions, with her reminding Rau that his men were her own people too!

Ezra: (Gasps) Now just a second! We didn't mean for this to happen! You know that!

Sabine: Ezra's right! And need I remind you; They were my people, too!

But Rau refused to listen, thinking that the two of them both didn't know anything of loyalty!

Fenn Rau: Don't talk to me about your people! And what do you two know of Loyalty?!

Sabine: I am not your enemy, Rau!

Ezra told them both to just chill out, knowing that none of this was making any sense!

Ezra: Okay, time out! None of this makes any sense! Which of the Clans has the power to do this Who would want to?

Sabine agreed, knowing that Ezra had some good points there!

Sabine: Good questions, Ezra... The Protectors are loyal to the throne! They recruit the best warriors from within all the Clans!

But Kanan knew that this day was about to get a whole lot worse since Chopper's scanners were picking up a signal!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping Worried!)

Kanan: Uh, guys? I hate to interrupt your little history lesson...

All Three: But?

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping Worried!)

Kanan: Chopper's picking up a signal from over there!

The two of them rolled their eyes at Rau like this night couldn't get any worse right now!

Fenn Rau: Like this night couldn't get any worse right now!

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