Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty-Three: Iron Squadron!/Retreating?

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Just then, The mysterious transport charges at the Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser!

Kanan: They're attacking the Empire head-on!

Ezra says that they had better talk sense into these rebels, as Hera contacts the YT-2400 light freighter, telling them that help has arrived!

Ezra: Better talk some sense into them, Hera!

Hera: Attention, YT-2400 freighter... We're here to assist!

But to their surprise, a young voice declines their offer while saying thanks politely! Kanan blasts several TIE Fighters, remarking that the voice sounds like a kid!

???: Thanks, but we don't need your help!

Kanan: Sounds like a kid!

Ezra frowned as he shot down several more with the turret cannon, replying that as a kid, he takes offense at that!

Ezra: As a kid, I take offense at that!

Kanan: Sorry! My bad!

Hera then tells the other ship that they are clear and need to run, but the male kid's voice replies that it is a negative, telling them that the Iron Squadron does not run!

Hera: You're clear! Now make your jump! Get out of here!

???: Negative...Whoever you are, the Iron Squadron doesn't run!

Hera and Ezra were both confused by that, they had never heard of that Squadron before!

Hera: The Iron Squadron?

Ezra: Never heard of them!

The freighter then drops several pieces of cargo on the Imperial cruiser, which causes it to explode! Sabine and Zeb are both shocked by that, while Ezra exclaims that the Empire was retreating!

Sabine: They just bombed the Imperial transport with cargo?

Zeb: Yeah!

Ezra: Wow, the Empire's retreating!

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