Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty-Five: Sato's missing nephew?! /Ezra's promise!

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Later in the Common Room of the Ghost, Hera and Ezra both contacted Commander Sato with Chopper projecting a hologram recording... After they both explained what had happened, Commander Sato had surprising news for them... It turns out, that the Iron Squadron was his brother's detachment before he was killed on Mykapo years ago, and had feared that his nephew Mart Mattin had died as well, considering that he had never responded to his transmissions!

Commander Sato: The Iron Squadron? That was my brother's detachment... He was killed on Mykapo, and I feared his son, Mart Mattin, was dead, too... (Sighs) Blasted boy! Never responded to my transmissions... (Chuckles) He has always been somewhat rebellious!

Hera rolled her eyes at Ezra, that sounds like the kind of stunt that he and his new Squadron pulled back there!

Hera: Yeah, that sounds like him...

Ezra: (Chuckles)

Not wanting to lose another member of his Family, Commander Sato pleaded with to make sure that his nephew escaped safely with the others, and bring him home to Atollon if they could!

Commander Sato: Please, make sure my nephew escapes safely with the others! Bring him to Atollon, if you can...

Ezra nods, promising that he and the others will bring Mart home safely!

Commander Sato: We'll get him, Commander Sato!

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