Chapter One Two Hundred and Sixteen: Destroy life?/A old score...

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Back at the top of the Temple, Kaitis noticed all of the rumbling as the mysterious Presence revealed its true intentions!

Mysterious Presence: I have been waiting...

Kaitis: What's happening?

Mysterious Presence: The Power to destroy life is at your Command...

But Kaitis shook his head, knowing that this isn't what he wanted, and he knows for a good fact that this isn't what Ezra wanted either!

Ezra: What? No! No, no! That's not what me or Ezra wanted!

But the Presence then told the Young Boy about something else or someone else approaching, proving that the Temple being a Weapon was the least of his problems!

Mysterious Presence: Then perhaps the "other" who approaches will claim it instead!

Kaitis's eyes widened in horror as he put it together, he knew that they couldn't trust Maul!

Kaitis: Maul... Kanan, Ezra, Ahsoka, Eldra, Vos, Maul tricked us! This Temple's a Weapon! (Groans) I knew that we couldn't trust the Old Man!

But there was no answer from his Comlink that Ezra designed for him! But his siblings and his friends not answering him is the least of his problems right now! As he Kaitis emerges from the Temple, he saw literally the one person who could show up at the worst possible time right now... Darth Vader stood on his TIE Fighter with his own Red Lightsaber already ignited! Kaitis frowned, deciding that it was time to settle the Score from nearly 17 Years ago... Once and for all!

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