Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty-Eight: Proton bombs!/Ray Shields?!

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Just then, as Ezra and the others walk among the transport's munitions depots, Rex discovers that they are fully loaded with proton bombs!

Ahsoka: Hold up!

Captain Rex: Let me recon first...

Zeb: Well, look at that...

Kaitis: We hit pay dirt!

Eldra: The munitions depot is fully loaded...

Omega: Yeah...

Hunter: With more proton bombs in there than we can carry!

Ezra: Good job, Rex!

Kanan: Way to go, Captain...

But as Kaitis and Zeb both put some proton bombs into their bags as much as they could carry before they left, Chopper started to detect several operational battle droids which uttered a word that even both he and Hera were all too familiar!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Battle Droid: Roger, Roger...

As everyone kept walking, Rex warned Ezra to be careful, knowing that the Battle Droids used to protect their armories with ray shields!

Captain Rex: Hey, careful, kid... The droids used to protect their armories with ray shields!

Ezra frowned, asking Omega what was a ray shield exactly!

Ezra: What's a ray shield?

But before she could answer, a ray shield appeared right in front of him!

Kaitis: This is a ray shield!

Omega frowned, seeing that was the least of their problems!

Omega: Uh, guys... I think that the ray shields are the least of our problems right now...

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