Chapter One Two Hundred and Twenty-Six: The Sereeda Waypoint.../Voices?

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Later on the Phantom in space, Kaitis, Eldra, and others were heading towards Yarma to check things out! Sabine explains that they could jump out of hyperspace in order to get to Yarma!

Sabine: We can't jump directly to Yarma from here... We'll have to drop out of hyperspace at the Sereeda Waypoint and plot a new jump!

However, Hondo warns her that they shouldn't stay there for long since it's the Mining Guild territory!

Hondo: Do not take too long! That is Mining Guild territory... If they spot us, they'll alert the Empire and jeopardize my payment!

Kaitis: Ahem!

Hondo: I mean, our mission!

Kaitis: Thank you!

Sabine told the both of them to relax, knowing that they would be there and gone before anybody knew it!

Sabine: Relax... We'll be there and gone before they know it! Right, Chop?

Chopper gave her an affirmative Beep before he activated the Hyperdrive at her command!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Meanwhile; back on Chopper Base, The Bad Batch had stayed behind while Ahsoka and Rex both went instead! In the Med Bay on the Ghost, Omega was keeping watch over Ezra's unconscious while Hunter and the others were busy... The Young Clone sighed sadly while hugging Lula, Wrecker's old doll that he let her keep after they all left Kamino together 17 Years ago!

Omega: (Sighs Sadly)

Omega knew that things weren't the same anymore without Ezra around, seeing that everyone was falling apart without him around! Meanwhile; near the sensor Markers, Kanan was still mediating as held the Sith Holocron that Kaitis had given to him, knowing that his friend could handle its Darkness! Just then, he kept hearing the strange voice from before!

???: I can help you!

Kanan: Where are you? Who are you?

???: Come to me...

Kanan picked up a Sensor Marker, even if he does know how to protect himself from the Spiders now, it's still better to be safe than sorry! Back in space, Kaitis and the others had just exited hyperspace and arrived at Sereeda Waypoint! Sabine quickly told Chopper to program the coordinates fast before they were spotted!

Sabine: Okay, Chopper, you're up!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Kaitis: And program those coordinates fast before...

But before Kaitis could finish that sentence, they soon found themselves cornered by a Mining Guild space patrol, who demanded that they identify themselves and state their business here!

Kaitis: Before that happens...

Sabine: My thoughts exactly!

Chopper: Uh-Oh!

Mining Guild Captain: Attention, shuttlecraft! You're trespassing in a Mining Guild claim zone! Identify yourselves... State your business! State your purpose!

Eldra wanted to answer, but Kaitis beat her to it, not wanting her coldness to almost get someone killed right now!

Zeb: Now what?

Eldra: You had to ask...

Kaitis: Shhh! Hey, hey, I got this! Please excuse the intrusion, Captain! We'll be on our way as soon as we calculate our hyperspace jump!

However, the Mining Guild Captain wasn't letting them off the hook that easily, especially since Sabine was speeding up the Phantom!

Mining Guild Captain: We will not authorize any such jump until you've registered with the Empire and paid the hyperspace toll... Prepare to transfer credits! If you do not slow your speed, we will open fire!

Eldra glared at Kaitis, Plan B anybody?

Eldra: Plan B?

Kaitis paid no attention to that remark, before telling Sabine to get them out of here!

Kaitis: I've got one! Sabine, get us out of here!

As Sabine did her best to keep everyone alive, Kaitis frowned... He knew that Kanan and Ezra both would've loved doing this with them, as he gently held Ezra's custom-built Lightsaber in his hands, which he had been using ever since Ezra fell into his Coma... He knew that no one deserved that honour of having so much Hope inside of the Saber's Crystal, more than Ezra did!

Kaitis: You're right, Kanan... No one deserves that honour... More than Ezra does!

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