Chapter Two Hundred and Forty-Two: Maul's deal!/Beyond our control...

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Darth Maul stood there taunting the Three Jedi while Eldra stood in shock, while Kanan and Kaitis both knew that Ezra had taken him down, way down!

Eldra: You Former Sith Lords and Jedi Hunters always show up at the worst possible times!

Darth Maul: It's been a long time, hasn't it, Jedi? A month? A year? A millennium? Far too long for my tastes, anyway! I was beginning to think I'd never see your smiling faces again...

Kaitis: did you survive?

Kanan: Ezra took you down... Way down!

Ezra frowned, none too pleased at seeing Maul again after he tried to kill Kanan and the others just to get to him!

Ezra: Maul? You betrayed me!

Maul rolled his eyes, saying that he betrayed his friends while he would have remained loyal to Ezra himself!

Darth Maul: No, I betrayed your friends... But I would have remained loyal to you!

Ezra frowned, knowing that's not exactly the vibe he got from the Lightsaber that nearly destroyed his eyesight completely back on Malachor!

Ezra: Not exactly the vibe I got from the Red-Bladed Lightsaber that came from you that nearly killed Kanan and destroyed my eyesight completely back on Malachor!

Kaitis frowned before both he and Kanan asked what Maul wanted as they stood protectively in front of Ezra!

Kaitis: Spare us the pleasantries, Maul... My Adoptive Brother has never been loyal to you in his life so let's not start pretending that he is!

Kanan: What do you want?

Maul quickly made his point clear, wanting the Sith Holocron that Ezra had acquired on Malachor!

Darth Maul: The Sith Holocron that our apprentice and I acquired on Malachor...

Eldra frowned at Ezra, before coldly replying that they didn't have it!

Eldra: We don't have it...

But they soon learned that Eldra's answer was the wrong answer, cause Maul started to threaten the lives of Hera and the others!

Darth Maul: How unfortunate, because if that's true, then your friends have no future...

Shoving Eldra to be quiet, Ezra told Maul that they would give it to him as long as their friends remained unharmed!

Eldra: (Shoves Eldra to be Quiet!

Eldra: Ow!

Ezra: Okay, we have it! Just not with us... We'll give it to you, as long as our friends remain safe!

Kaitis: Agreed!

Darth Maul: Good... And one more thing, your Jedi Holocron, give that to me as well!

Ezra's eyes widened in horror as Kanan tried to keep his Student calm, knowing that the kid didn't tell Maul anything! Hera however, told Kanan to not agree to Maul's terms...

Hera: Kanan, no...

Kanan reluctantly agreed, knowing that he had to disagree with Hera on this one!

Kanan: Fine...

Darth Maul: I shall be in touch with the coordinates for our rendezvous... Don't disappoint me!

As soon as the transmission ends, Eldra lectures Ezra for telling Maul about Kanan's Jedi Holocron, which was a sacred gift of the Jedi's trust that he gave to Ezra!

Eldra: I can't believe you told Maul Kanan has a Holocron!

Ezra held his hands up in Defense, knowing that he didn't say a word to him about it!

Ezra: I didn't say a word to him about it! (Sighs) Maul must have been spying on me without any of us knowing it!

Kaitis defended Ezra, knowing that they didn't know about Maul trying to steal Ezra from Kanan since he was on their side at the time!

Kaitis: Stow it, Eldra! At the time, he was on our side...

Ezra turned away from Eldra, before asking his Master if his Jedi Holocron was still on the Ghost in his Cabin!

Ezra: Is it still on the Ghost?

Kanan nodded, knowing that he moved it into his room while Ezra was in his Coma for 6 Months to help him with his grief!

Kanan: Where else would I keep it?

Ezra sighed with relief before Kaitis asked him about the Sith Holocron!

Ezra: (Sighs with Relief!)

Kaitis: Well, what about the Sith holocron?

Kanan winced, knowing that was not gonna be easy!

Kanan: Yeah, that's not gonna be easy!

Both Ezra and Eldra were confused, knowing that Kanan said that it was safe!

Ezra: I thought you said it was safe!

Kanan frowned at Kaitis, knowing that may be the problem!

Kanan: It is safe... That may be the problem!

Eldra rolled her eyes, before going to be alone for a while... But as she was leaving, Ezra paused to say something...

Ezra: Eldra?

Eldra: Hmm?

Ezra: Some things are just beyond our control...

Eldra gives her Adoptive little Brother a sad but reluctant look and before leaving... Ezra looks down in shame and is heartbroken, before running off in tears... Both Kaitis and Kanan watch as the two of them leave, knowing that the Two of them need some space! Feeling ashamed, Kaitis tried to apologize to Kanan for what he did in the Past...

Kaitis: Kanan, I... I know I shouldn't have left... I never meant to betray anyone, but I had to stay to end this, and... and it wasn't because I... 

Kaitis found that he was cut off by Kanan hugging him, reassuring his old friend that all was forgiven...

Kanan: Hey, hey... We'll have time to talk later! I'm just so happy you're home right now...

Kaitis frowned, knowing that seeing Maul alive would only increase Ezra's Guilt even more than it already is!

Kaitis: Yeah, I'm home... But he's not! I just wonder if Ezra is gonna be able to handle all the guilt that he's feeling now it just grew even worse than before now that we know that Maul is alive!

Kanan frowned, determined to let Ezra know that he didn't blame him for the events of Malachor!

Kanan: I wonder too...

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