Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty-Four: Signal's cut off.../Going back!

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Back on the Ghost, Ezra, his friends, and the other Iron Squadron members were attending a briefing with holographic recordings of Sato and Rex! Then all of a sudden, Mart's distress transmission comes in, telling that his ship has broken down but that the Imperials have not fired on him yet and didn't know what they were up to just yet...

Mart(Via Transmission): The Empire has my ship surrounded but hasn't fired on me yet! I don't know what they're up to... I hate to admit it, but I need your...

But before Mart could finish, the signal was cut off! However, Ezra knew that he was going to say help, while Hera knew that the Empire had deliberately let the signal through before they cut it off!

Ezra: (Sighs) Help... He was going to say help...

Hera: The Empire allowed that part of the transmission to get through, and then they cut it off...

Crosshair and Tech both rolled his eyes at a smirking Omega, knowing that seemed like something that the Empire would do!

Crosshair: Yeah, that totally seems like something that they would do!

Tech: Understatement of the Year!

Omega: I couldn't agree more, you guys!

Kaitis nods at Eldra in agreement, especially since Grand Admiral Thrawn took over handling things after Ezra woke up from his 6 six-month coma!

Kaitis: Yeah...

Kaitis: Especially since Grand Admiral Thrawn took over handling things after Ezra woke up from his 6 six-month coma!

Sato immediately offers to go and save his nephew but Hera knows that the Commander is too far away to help and would never make it in time!

Commander Sato(Via Hologram): I will go!

Hera: Commander, you're too far away... You'd never make it in time!

But Sato reminds Hera that Mart is all the Family that he has left, Ezra sees his point before telling him that he, Hera, and the others can take the Ghost, go in quietly, and get him out of there until Sato can get there in time!

Commander Sato(Via Hologram): I am all the family he has left...

Ezra: Let Hera and the rest of us take the Ghost, go in quietly and get him out of there... It can at least give you some time to get there!

Hera agrees with him, as Sato nods that the both of them have his gratitude in return!

Hera: I agree with Ezra, Commander!

Commander Sato(Via Hologram): Both you and young Skywalker have my gratitude, Captain!

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