Chapter One Two Hundred and Nineteen: Unmasked.../Escaping Malachor!

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Meanwhile; Kaitis and the others had already gotten back on the Phantom... Seeing that Ezra and Kanan were approaching them, Kaitis and Chopper both told them to hurry it up!

Kaitis: Come on, guys! 

Captain Rex: Hurry!

Kansn frowned as he helped his exhausted student walk towards the Shuttle, stating that the both of them were moving as fast as they can, without dying!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Kanan: (Grunts) We're moving... As fast as we can, Kaitis... You know, without dying!

Eldra: Well, move it faster!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ezra: We're coming as fast as we can! Just be ready to go...

But suddenly, Ezra soon felt himself being pulled away as Kanan grabs the kid's hand, knowing that someone was trying to Force Pull Ezra away from him!

Ezra: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Kanan: Gotcha!

Kaitis however, saw who was trying to pull both his little Adoptive Brother and the Sith Holocronn away from Kanan!

Kaitis: Umm, guys? You've got much bigger problems... TO WORRY ABOUT RIGHT NOW!

The Young Jedi saw that Vader was trying to Pull the Sith Holocron towards him with Ezra along with it, as Kanan struggled, to pull his Student back, refusing to let the Sith Lord take Ezra away from him!

Ezra: No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Kanan! It's him!

Kanan: I know! I got you!

But just then, both Vos and Ahsoka returned from supposed fall earlier and attacked Vader, who had sensed them coming, just as the Temple started to close in on the Outer Walls! The Sith Lord turned his attention away from both Kanan and Ezra, causing the kid to collapse out cold in pain and exhaustion, much to Kanan's concern!

Kanan: (Groans)

Kanan: EZRA!

Thinking quickly, Ahsoka and Vos both used their Lightsabers to knock away the Sith Lord's own Lightsaber, causing their attack to damage his Helmet, as they both stumbled onto the ground! Seeing that Ezra needs help now, Kanan and the others told both Ahsoka and Vos to hurry up!

Captain Rex: Ahsoka!

Kanan: Vos!

Eldra: Come on!

Kaitis: Hurry!

Kanan quickly rushes his Student onboard the Phantom, as Vos and Ahsoka struggled to get up... But before the both of them could get on the Phantom, Ahsoka turned to Vader, who's voice   was distorted since his Voice Fliter was malfunctioning, due to the right half of his Mask was destroyed from Ahsoka's and Vos's Attack!

Darth Vader/Anakin: Ahsoka! Ahsoka...

 Underneath the scarred Mask and his charred Helmet, Ahsoka saw the eyes of her former fallen Master...

Ahsoka: Anakin... 

Kanan finally helped Ezra sit down on the floor of the Phantom to rest, while Kaitis and Eldra saw that both Ahsoka and Vos were just standing there as Vader regained his footing and his Lightsaber, much to their shock and confusion! Torn by her feelings for Anakin, Ahsoka refused to leave her Fallen Jedi Master behind again!

Ahsoka: I won't leave you! (Sighs) Not this time...

Vos frowned, knowing that he knows what he has to do, put his friends ahead of himself! But while Vader considers her words for moment, he knows that his former Apprentice has left him with no choice!

Darth Vader: Then you shall die!

As Vader reactivated his Lightsaber, Vos tries to tell Ahsoka to run, but she refused along with both Kaitis and Eldra!

Quinlan Vos: Ahsoka, run!

Ahsoka: No way!

Eldra: Not until you're up here! 

Kaitis: Don't you do it, Vos! 

Quinlan raised his hand, much to Eldra's sadness and shock! When have they ever surrendered to the Empire?

Quinlan Vos: When have we ever surrendered to the Empire's Law and Order?

Quinlan Force Pushed Ahsoka onto the Phantom as the Temple began to seal itself up as he was left to fight Vader on his own, much to everyone's horror! Eldra struggled in Kaitis's grip, but knew that they had to go 

Ahsoka: Vos! No! No!

Eldra: No! Master!

Kaitis: Eldra! 

Eldra: Go back! Go back!

Kanan and Rex knew that even though it was sad to lose another friend to the Empire, told everyone that they had to go!

Kanan: Eldra! Guys, let's go!

Kaitis nodded, as he helped the girls onto the Phantom! Kanan closed the Phantom door, quickly telling Chopper to get them out of here!

Eldra: No! No...

Kanan: Go! Go, go, go!

Captain Rex: Get us out of here!

While Chopper was sad at the loss of another friend, he quickly flew the Phantom off Malachor just in the nick of the time, as the Temple exploded and engulfed the surrounding area in a burst of power, seemingly killing both Quinlan Vos and Vader in the process!

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