Chapter One Two Hundred and Four: Peace was never an option!/We need to talk!

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As Kanan and the others cuffed up the Eighth Brother, Ezra and Rex have both almost approached them, when the kid explained to the Clone that this wasn't the first time that a former Jedi that had lost his way and had made someone realize that peace wasn't an option, especially since he was never taken seriously for Years...

Captain Rex: It's obvious that he's hiding something...

Ezra: Indeed... You know, this isn't the first time when a former Jedi who has lost his way tried to tell the Truth but wasn't taken seriously, much like Maul wasn't when he tried to warn both you and Ahsoka about what would happen to Anakin while you were on Mandalore that night... Dooku was right in the end... He knew the Republic was corrupt, that it would collapse and become something worse! He saw it coming... The Galactic Empire! Kaitis once told me after he and his family told me about who my Parents really were, that most people of Lothal didn't believe that the Empire was the enemy... The Empire seeks to establish peace and order throughout the galaxy!

Rex frowned while Maul listened from the shadows, knowing that just like Sabine, Ezra didn't believe that either!

Captain Rex: I assume that you didn't believe that as much as Sabine doesn't?

Ezra: No... Peace? (Scoffs) There was a time when I believed in that... So much so, that my Mother's colleagues Mina Bonteri and Tawni Ames put forth treaties with both Separatist and Republic senators alike to end the War! The Supreme Chancellor of Coruscant before he revealed his true colours as Darth Sidious and became Emperor of the Galaxy rejected it, well... You, Ahsoka, Kanan, as well as the rest of my friends and Family all know perfectly on how well that ended! I realized then, that peace was never an option...

Rex placed a comforting hand on Ezra's arm, where he revealed the Mandalorian vambraces that Sabine had given to him...

Captain Rex: But?

Ezra: But Kaitis's ideology, while faulty, does have its points... I don't condone his methods, but you had every right to protect your planet! My only wish is to make sure our people don't lose heart and evolve, Rex... It is the only way you will truly have victory! I say that for all of us...

Ezra hid his Mandalorian vambraces back under his sleeves, as he and Rex moved to catch up with the others... Maul, however, found it interesting that Anakin had a son, his youngest one no less!

Ezra: Besides, a Jedi is never supposed to act out of emotion!

Darth Maul: Skywalker has a child, and his youngest one no less? Well, this makes the game so much easier! Your anger is a wellspring, young one... You must use it! Your passions give you strength... And through strength, you gain power... You have seen it! You feel it... You must break your chains! And you will break your chains and follow in your Father's footsteps, one way or another...

(Scanner Beeping)

But suddenly, Maul heard his scanner beeping!

Darth Maul: Can't I plot evil in peace?! 

Darth Maul: What's this? Seems someone else wants to drop in!

(Scanner Beeping)

Maul's scanner detects the Inquisitor's Ship on the surface of the Temple, seeing that Kaitis and the other Inquisitors are with him as they exit their Ship and locate the Phantom nearby!

Seventh Sister: Well, well, look what we have here...

Fifth Brother: It's that Shuttle that the Jedi always use when they're not on the Ghost!

Kaitis: Yeah... And I know one thing for certain... Wherever the Phantom is, Ezra and his friends are close by!

Darth Maul: Kaitis is here to try to make amends with Young Skywalker while his former Inquisitor Siblings are here to bring the boy and his friends to Vader? Well, this makes things for the hunt a lot more interesting...

Finally, Ezra saw Kanan and the others, just Eldra finished cuffing up their little... Friend!

Ezra: Hey!

Kanan turned around, relieved to see his Student was okay!

Kanan: Ezra!

Ezra: Kanan! Ahsoka! Sis! Vos!

Eldra: And where were you?

Captain Rex: Sorry we took so long! We... Ran into an old friend!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

As Rex chatted with the others, Ahsoka frowned, having an idea about who it was! Kanan placed his hands on Ezra's shoulders, asking if Ezra wasn't hurt from that fall back there!

Kanan: Are you okay, Ezra? Are you hurt?

Ezra nodded before he asked if they made process with their mission!

Ezra: Yeah... I'll be fine! What about you? Did you guys find out why there's another Inquisitor here?

Quinlan shook his head no before he suggested that for once it wasn't them that the Eighth Brother was hunting this time!

Quinlan Vos: Nothing solid, other than him running away from us, which is a first... But I do believe that for once, this Inquisitor was not hunting us... Rather, he was looking for something else...

Ahsoka frowned, more like someone!

Ahsoka: Something... Or someone!

Ezra nodded in agreement, deciding that they needed to talk with their grumpy friend!

Ezra: Then we need to talk!

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