Chapter Two Hundred and Seventy-Three: Another ambush!/Runs in the Family...

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On the plains of Rlyoth, both Cham and Numa were riding on Blurrgs while trying to escape some Stormtroopers on some Speeder Bikes, after the Empire found them, again!

Numa: How did they find us?

Cham: The Empire is getting better at anticipating our moves!

Numa: This will slow them down.

Numa quickly a Grenade which destroys two of the speeder bikes and their riders are thrown to the ground!

Numa: Gobi, where are you? We need a pickup now! 

Cham: We are not far from the Tulara Ravine... We can lose them in the maze!

In the Maze, Numa's blurrg was hit by a laser blast but continued running! The scout trooper tries to shoot her but Cham uses his blurrg to knock him aside! Numa's Blurrg grabs the forward of another speeder bike and yanks the rider aside, as the two of them and their steeds made their way out of the Maze and approach a cliff!

Cham: No good... Gobi said they mined the pass!

By this point, Hera contacts Cham to tell them that they are closing in on their position with Gobi onboard with her, Kanan, and the others! 

Hera: Father, don't worry... We're closing in on your position!

Cham sighed, knowing that his Daughter's timing was perfect since they were running out of room!

Cham: Hera, is that you? Good timing! We are running out of room...

When Hera told her Father that they were coming in from the North, Cham tried to tell her that there was no time for her and the others to land!

Hera: We're coming in from the north!

Cham: There's no time for you to land!

Hera, however, surprised him by telling Cham that they were not landing before telling both Numa and her Father to head south!

Hera: We're not landing... Head south!

As Cham insisted that there was no time, both Hera and Omega just told him and Numa to both turn around while they took care of the Empire!

Cham: Hera, there is no time!

Hera: Just turn around! We'll take care of the Empire!

As Hera steered the Ghost around to deal with the Empire; Numa frowned, asking Cham if his Daughter was really serious!

Numa: Is she serious?

Cham chuckled, knowing that Hera was always serious...

Cham: Heh... My daughter is always serious...

Numa shrugged before they both rode off, runs in the Family!

Numa: Runs in the family!

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