Chapter One Two Hundred and Seventeen: Shattered Feelings.../Ahsoka vs Vader!

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Vader leaped off his TIE Fighter as Kaitis activated his own Red Lightsaber, as the Sith Lord wanted to know how the Former Inquisitor had accomplished this!

Darth Vader: You have unlocked the Secret of the Temple... How did you accomplish this? And where is my son Kaitis? I know he's here...

Kaitis growled, telling his former Master to figure it out himself if he's so smart!

Kaitis: You're smart, figure it out!

Kaitis blocked the Sith Lord's Lightsaber as Vader knew that it didn't really matter, knowing that the Power would soon serve Darth Sidious!

Darth Vader: No matter... The Power and my Son will soon serve the Emperor!

Kaitis frowned, stating that he doesn't fear Vader!

Kaitis: I don't fear you!

Vader frowned, knowing that Kaitis would die braver than most do!

Darth Vader: Then you will die braver than most!

But while Kaitis put up a good fight, Vader soon said some things that caught the former Jedi Hunter off guard!

Darth Vader: He was wise to use you against me... You are of no further use!

Kaitis: (Shuddering)

Darth Vader: Did I really believe that I did not see it, Youngling? Revenge does wonders for the will to live, don't you think? Your Rage was useful, now it is tiresome... Soon we will leave you where we found you... In the gutter, where you belong!

At that comment, Kaitis's mind flashes back to the night that he lost his Jedi Master right before Order 66 happened...

Chancellor Palpatine/Darth Sidious: You must choose... 

Mace Windu: Don't listen to him, Anakin!

Young Kaitis: Don't just stand there, help him!

Anakin: It's not the Jedi Way, he must live!

Mace Windu: He's too dangerous to be left alive!

Chancellor Palpatine/Darth Sidious: Please don't!

Anakin: I need him!

Chancellor Palpatine/Darth Sidious: Unlimited Power!!!!

Young Kaitis: MASTER!!!!

Anakin: What have I done?

By the time that Kaitis had finally snapped out of his traumatized moment, Vader attacked him quickly, breaking his former Red Lightsaber in half, and injuring his left arm in the process! Kaitis saw his shattered Weapon on the ground beside him as Vader saw that the Boy was Defenceless, believing that he was wrong!

Darth Vader: Perhaps I was wrong...

Kaitis covered his eyes, as Vader moved in for the kill... But before Vader's Lightsaber met its target, a familiar voice stopped him from killing Kaitis!

Ahsoka: It wouldn't be the first time...

Kaitis and Vader both turned around, seeing that both Vos and Ahsoka arrived in the nick of time, both of them glaring at Vader! Seeing that Vos and Anakin's old student had both arrived, Vader lowered his Lightsaber...

Darth Vader: It was foretold that the both of you would be here... Our long-awaited meeting has come at last!

Ahsoka and Vos both frowned, glad that they both gave Vader something to look forward to!

Quinlan Vos: We'll take that as a compliment! 

Ahsoka: We're glad that we gave you something to look forward to!

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