Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty-Seven: Aftermath.../Tensions resolved!

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Later, back aboard the Ghost's cargo hold, Omega, Hera, and Ezra thank each other for their successful recovery mission as well as Zeb for his leadership!

Omega: Pretty nice haul!

Hera: Good job, you two!

Ezra: Way to go, Zeb!

Meanwhile, Hondo and Azmorigan start to argue about their treasures and about who they go to!

Azmorigan: Oh, no, you don't, Ohnaka! Half of what's in there is mine!

Hondo: But you forfeited this crate when you went off to look for your own loot!

Azmorigan: What is in here is all...

Hondo: What is... It's all mine!

But when the both of them opened their chest, everyone was shocked to see Melch inside!

Melch: (Speaking Ugnaught!)

Zeb: Melch?

Ezra jokes that Melch didn't trust Hondo not to leave him behind another time as Hera smirked,  and mockingly apologizes to Hondo that things did not work out!

Ezra: Guess he didn't trust Hondo not to leave him behind again!

Hera: Sorry it didn't work out, Hondo!

While Hondo covers it up by saying that friendship is the greatest treasure and hugs Melch! Ezra wonders if Hondo really means it as Melch punches Hondo in the chest as Hondo says mostly! Hera rolled her eyes, looking forward for Hondo and others to continue their conversation back on their own ship!

Hondo: Work out? No! This is better, yes, because... Friendship is the greatest treasure!

Melch: (Speaking Ugnaught!)

Ezra: Do you really mean that?

Melch: (Speaking Ugnaught!)

Hondo: Mostly...

Melch: (Speaking Ugnaught!)

Hondo: See? He's always laughing! Always having a good time, this Melch...

Hera: I look forward to you gentlemen continuing this conversation on your own ship!

As Hera leaves, both Hondo and Azmorigan are arguing over Melch... Zeb feels kind of bad for him while both Omega and Ezra tell him not to worry, he'll be fine!

Azmorigan: We had a deal, Ohnaka! I get 50% of him!

Hondo: What?!

Melch: (Speaking Ugnaught!)

Zeb: I kind of feel bad for Melch!

Omega: Nah...

Ezra: He'll be fine!

Ezra smiled at Eldra who nodded at him, the next time that he said that he or someone else can handle leading a mission or dealing with neither Maul, Hondo, or something they don't trust, she'd believe him!

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