Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety-Two: Worked like a Charm.../Next stop, Agamar!

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Elsewhere, aboard an Imperial Star Destroyer, Agent Kallus was congratulating Governor Pryce on her plan to ambush the Rebels at the fuel depot, knowing that it had worked like a charm!

Agent Kallus: Congratulations... Your plan to ambush them at the fuel depot worked like a charm!

Pryce frowned, knowing that their plan would only be successful if they managed to catch the Rebels!

Governor Pryce: Only if we catch them!

Just then, Admiral Konstantine came in and told them that they had intercepted an encrypted Rebel message from the Agamar system!

Admiral Konstantine: Excuse me, Governor! We've intercepted a rebel transmission from the Agamar system before it was received by the rebel ship... The message is encrypted, but it repeats like a distress signal!

While Pryce thinks it is strange for the rebels to fall into trouble, but orders to locate the nearest Imperial outpost to send troops to Agamar immediately, not wanting to take any chances of being in hot water with Thrawn at all!

Governor Pryce: Interesting! The rebels there must be desperate for help that will never come... Locate the nearest Imperial outpost to Agamar and deploy them... Immediately!

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