Chapter One Two Hundred and Ten: Spilting up!/Taking the Lifts...

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Unknown to Maul and his reluctant friends, they had been followed by another one of the Seventh Sister's ID9 Seeker Droids, who had just relaxed the conversation back to the Inquisitors!

ID9 Seeker Droid: (ID9 Seeker Droid Beeping)

Ezra's Voice: Using the Holocron may be risky, but it's the only way to make sure that this Temple isn't used for more Evil Purposes! And this is why we came here right? To find out about the Sith... 

The Seventh Sister frowned, seeing that Maul really did have the Holocron!

Seventh Sister: The Sith reject has the Holocron!

The Fifth Brother knew that they couldn't allow Maul to use it!

Fifth Brother: We cannot allow him to use it!

The Eighth Brother was already ahead of them, vowing to reclaim it!

Eighth Brother: I will reclaim it, and the boy!

As the Eighth Brother flew away with his spinning lightsaber, the Fifth Brother wanted to stop him! But the Seventh Sister told him to let the Eighth Brother go, knowing that this made getting Lord Vader's Prize so much easier!

Fifth Brother: (Groans)

Seventh Sister: Wait! Let him thin them out, then we will retrieve Lord Vader's prizes!

 Meanwhile, Maul and the others had arrived at the top of the Sith Temple!

Kanan: Now what?

Ezra: Wow!

Ezra leads Ezra to one of the lifts. knowing that only Two people must take one lift!

Darth Maul: Only two... No more, no less!

Kanan however, didn't take too kindly to that suggestion at all before pushing Maul aside; preventing him from taking Ezra to the top, knowing that the Two of them come as a set!

Kanan: Yeah? Well, these two come as a set!

Kaitis nodded before both he and Eldra took another lift and made their way up to the top! As they left, Kanan asked Ahsoka if she, Rex, and Quinlan were all okay travelling with Maul for a while!

Kanan: You guys okay riding with Grandpa?

Ahsoka frowned, she and the boys can handle "Grandpa" for now!

Ahsoka: We'll be fine...

Ezra nodded silently before his and Kanan's lift rose to meet Eldar's and Kaitis's lift at the top!

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