Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty-Five: Removed Hyperdrives?!/Gone Wrong!

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Back outside the Tower, Rex was aboard the lead Y-Wing, telling Chopper to stop his complaining and focus already!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Captain Rex: Stop complaining and focus... You've gotta get those bombers in the air!

Finally, Chopper remote-pilots the Y-wings which fly into space, as nice and steady as possible!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ahsoka: Detach bombers from the dock...

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Captain Rex: Nice work... Now keep 'em steady!

Once they were in space, Sabine asked to set the coordinates in the nevi-computer!

Sabine: Chop, set the coordinates in the nevi-computer!

But Chopper had some bad news, there were no hyperdrives in the Y-Wings!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Sabine: What?! There's no hyperdrives?!

Rex frowned, knowing that the Imperials must have removed them!

Captain Rex: They must have removed them...

Ahsoka: Now what?

Just then, they were all blocked by an Imperial Star Destroyer that is commandeered by Pryce, Konstantine, and Kallus no doubt about that, which releases a swarm of TIE Fighters! Rex and Sabine both groaned, you had to ask!

Captain Rex: You had to ask...

Sabine: Karabast!

Zeb frowned, his thoughts exactly!

Zeb: My thoughts exactly!

Back on the Station, Eldra had piloted the Phantom off of the Platform and had flown it over to where Kaitis was, telling her Brother to jump for it!

Eldra: Kaitis, jump!

But before Kaitis could, Sabine told them about their even more bad news!

Sabine(Via Comlink): Phoenix-6 and Phoenix 5... The Empire is here in orbit! We are in big trouble!

Just then, the Platform began to give away, causing Kaitis to fall!

Kaitis: Whoa! I'm in trouble, too...

Eldra: Kaitis!

Suddenly, two familiar people saved him from the falling Station!

Omega: Gotcha!

Ezra: Need some help?

Kaitis saw that it was the Marauder with Omega helping him and Ezra was with her and the others!

Kaitis: Ezra?!

Ezra: Yeah... Pretty good, huh?!

Kaitis smirked as Ezra helped him up as Eldra closed the Phantom's rear end, knowing that Omega could have told the rest of them!

Kaitis: Well, you could've told the rest of us...

Ezra shrugged, he wanted it to be a surprise!

Ezra: We wanted it to be a surprise!

Suddenly, a jolt of the Station going down shakes the Marauder, causing Ezra to fall down with Station into Yarma's volatile depth instead, with Kaitis reaching a terrified hand out to him!

Ezra: Whoa!

Omega: No!

Kaitis: Ezra!

As the Marauder and the Phantom leaves, Eldra tries to contact Sabine but she isn't answering!

Eldra: Spectre-5? Spectre-5, come in! Can you hear me? Sabine, come in! She's not answering...

Kaitis frowned as he sobbed in Echo's arms, not wanting to lose Ezra again!

Kaitis: This is wrong! It's all gone wrong!

Echo pulled the scared Boy into a comforting hug, knowing that help was on the way!

Echo: It's okay, Kaitis... Kanan and Hera will be here soon to Ezra and the others, I promise!

Ezra frowned as found himself stuck on the falling Platform before he called out to Kanan for help in fear and desperation!

Ezra: Kanan! Where are you?

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