Chapter Two Hundred and Seventy-Eight: A secret exit.../Plan B!

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While hiding behind one of the walls outside of Cham's Office, Hera and Ezra witness Captain Slavin, Grand Admiral Thrawn, and two Stormtroopers enter through the front door... Seeing that the Imperials were too busy with security and doubts about their Rebel activity being down to notice them, both Hera and Ezra quickly made a run for the wall separators! 

Captain Slavin: Stand guard... No one in or out! Well, I have increased security per your orders, Grand Admiral, but I don't understand why... The Rebel activity is far from here!

As both Ezra and Hera quickly took wall separators without being noticed, Grand Admiral Thrawn surmises that the rebels are closer than Slavin thinks right now!

Grand Admiral Thrawn: It's closer than you think, Captain...

Seeing that they were safe for the time being, Ezra asked who that blue Guy was, not seeing him before during their run-ins with the Empire!

Ezra: Who was that blue guy?

Hera shrugged as she held the Kalikori in her hands, sharing unsureness and uneasiness about the new Admiral! 

Hera: I don't know...

Since Ezra knew that Hera was the expert on this House, he asked how were they gonna get out of here! 

Ezra: Well, how are we gonna get out of here?

As the wall separators reached the lower level, Hera explained a secret exit that they could use right now!

Hera: There's a secret exit on the lower level...

When Ezra asked his friend if the Imperials knew about it, Hera seriously doubted it... There was never any reason for her to come down here except to sneak a meiloorun from time to time when she was little...

Ezra: Do you think they know about it?

Hera: I doubt it! There was never any reason to come down here except to sneak a meiloorun from time to time...

But the two of them stepped out of the wall separators, they saw that the Empire had converted the basement into a command center! Hera winced, never seeing so many gutkurrs down here before in her life!

Hera: I've never seen so many gutkurrs down here before...

Ezra agreed, knowing they were not down here for meilooruns!

Ezra: I don't think they're down here for meilooruns!

Luckily, Chopper showed up, much to Hera's relief! They could use some help getting out of here...

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping

Hera: Chopper! Am I glad to see you... We could use some help getting out of here!

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