Chapter Three Hundred and Five: A game of Cubikahd.../Hera's call?

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On a Rebel Corvette travelling above the Planet of Atollon, Sabine was playing a game of cubikahd with Fenn Rau inside his cell, as Chopper was projecting the game while the outside of his cell was guarded by two Rebel Troopers! Rau saw that Sabine's move was showy and she played with too much bravado!

Fenn Rau: Blade to cube face four? That's a showy move... You play with too much bravado!

Sabine smirked, knowing that strategy is an art.... Maybe she was just lulling him into a false sense of security!

Sabine: Strategy is an art, Rau... Maybe I'm lulling you into a false sense of security!

But Rau knew that there was nothing false about it before discovering a weakness in Sabine's strategy, winning the game!

Fenn Rau: There's nothing false about it! Blade to cube face two... I win...

Joking that Sabine's game has slipped since she left Mandalore, Rau asked why she kept coming back here to visit her!

Fenn Rau: I'll bet your game has slipped since you left Mandalore... Why do you keep coming back here? You and your rebels have imprisoned me... My Protectors have orders to give you safe passage through our space! What more do you want?

Sabine tells Chopper to Reset the board, as she tries to persuade Rau and his Protectors to join the rebellion, like she has done so many times in the past ever since Ezra's accident!

Sabine: Reset the board, Chop!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Sabine: I want the same thing we've always wanted... For you and your Protectors to join us, to fight the Empire!

But Rau is very reluctant many times like in the past and argues that he only made deals with the Empire and the Rebellion to survive, and stresses that his true loyalty is to Mandalore!

Fenn Rau: I made a deal with the Empire to survive... I made a deal with your Rebellion to survive... But joining you? My only true loyalty is to Mandalore!

Sabine shrugged, she'll just keep on trying then!

Sabine: Well, I'll keep trying!

Rau smirked; repeating the same thing about Sabine's persistence and her traitorous past!

Fenn Rau: I admire your persistence, Sabine Wren... You could have been a Protector, if not for your traitorous past...

Sabine rolled her eyes at Rau trying to get her to join them and work together for Mandalore only again, not this again!

Sabine: (Scoffs) Not this again!

Fenn Rau: We could still work together now if I were free! Not for the rebels, not for the Empire... For Mandalore...

But just then, they both heard Ezra and Zeb interrupt them!

Ezra and Zeb: Ahem!

Ezra: Did both me and Zeb come at a bad time?

Sabine: Uh, no... Just Rau trying to get me to join him to try and free Mandalore alone again!

Ezra: Oh... kay!

Zeb: Yeah, uh... Sorry to interrupt playtime, but Hera wants you in the war room for a briefing! Both of you...

As Zeb left, Ezra shrugged at the both of them, the kid was just as confused as Chopper, Sabine, and Rau all were!

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