Chapter One Two Hundred and Twenty: It's over.../Live to Fight Another Day...

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Aboard the Phantom, Eldra and the others had defeated the Inquisitors and gotten Kaitis back, but it had come at a great price... Eldra was being held by Kaitis, comforting his weeping Sister along with Ahsoka, as the Three of them along with Rex deal with the apparent loss of their ally and mentor Quinlan Vos!

Eldra: (Weeping)

Kaitis: There's nothing we can do now... It's over... It's over...

Eldra: (Weeping)

Kaitis: Eldra...

Eldra: No! Master's not gone! He... He can't be! (Crying)

Kaitis: I... I know, kid... (Sighs) 

Ahsoka: I'm sorry, Eldra...

Eldra: (Sniffles) Why did Vos do that?! He didn't let us save him!

Captain Rex: He knew that we were out of time... Vos put Ezra, Ahsoka, and the others ahead of himself... He made a sacrifice, Eldra, and we're not gonna waste it!

Eldra sniffled as she wiped her tears away, remembering that the same thing happened the same night that she thought that lost Vos the first time!

Luminara: No! 

Young Eldra: Master! 

Luminara: Eldra!

 Young Eldra: Go back! Go back! (Weeping)

Luminara: Eldra...

 Young Eldra: No! Vos's not gone! He... He can't be! (Crying)

Luminara: I... I know, kid... (Sighs)

Young Eldra: (Sniffles) Why did Vos do that?! He didn't let us save him! 

Luminara: He knew that we were out of time. Vos put the rest of us ahead of himself! He made a sacrifice, Eldra, and we're not gonna waste it!

After wiping her tears away, Kanan placed a comforting hand on the girl's shoulder as he pulled her into a comforting hug! The two of them separated from the hug as they saw Kaitis placing his old Jedi Cloak over Ezra's unconscious body so that he could stay warm for now, before he apologized to his unconscious Adoptive Little Brother for not being honest with him and his family from the start!

Kaitis: I'm sorry, Ezra... You were right! If I'd just told you the truth even if you didn't want to hear it when you said, the Empire would never have taken advantage of my vendetta and started our 6 Year Grudge! None of this would have happened...

Eldra smiled bittersweetly, before revealing to Kaitis where they could go now since he was now on their side!

Eldra: I have a place we can go upstate... Our new Base on Atollon! We recently just found it a few weeks ago before we left for our mission to come to Malachor! We can stay as long as we want... Minus the Spider Kryknas that are behind Sabine's sensor marker fence to protect our Rebel Base from them, No one from the Imperial Fleet is around for miles! And the rest of it, well, we can figure out along the way... Kaitis, is that something you want? 

Kaitis nodded, knowing that it was better than nothing!

Kaitis: Well, it's better than nothing!

Eldra: Then that's what we'll do!

Ahsoka frowned, before she asked about the Seventh Sister's Fate, knowing that she went after him, Ezra, Eldra, and Maul while the Boys went after her and the others!

Ahsoka: Were either of you able to kill the Seventh Sister without getting angry?

Kaitis frowned as he shook his head, telling how Maul killed her relentlessly right in front of Ezra's eyes! 

Kaitis: No... Maul killed her relentlessly right in front of Ezra's eyes...

Ahsoka gently laid her head on Kaitis's neck with Rex placing a comforting hand on Kaitis's shoulder, feeling sorry for the trauma that Ezra went through tonight... Eldra frowned as Kanan rubbed a comforting hand on his old friend's shoulder, as she asked the older Jedi what was gonna happen now!

Kanan: What's gonna happen now, Kanan?

Kanan frowned as he closed his eyes, knowing that for the first time in his life, he had no idea!

Kanan: For the first time in my life, I have no idea, little Sister...

Eldra frowned as she clutched the Sith Holocron in her hands, knowing that nothing would ever be the same again after today!

Eldra: I miss Master Vos...

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