Chapter Three Hundred and Forty-Five: Higher Tensions!/Proton bombs?

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Outside, the Ghost was attached to Hondo's stolen Imperial landing craft... Back aboard the Ghost, while some of her fellow Crew Members are willing to listen, Hera tells Hondo that she doesn't care about what he has to offer and indefinitely refuses to let Azmorigan aboard her ship!

Hera: I don't care what you have to offer... I'm not allowing that on my ship!

Azmorigan frowned, he knew that Hera was the one whom Ezra gets his feistiness from, recalling Ezra's fight with him before the last time that they met! 

Azmorigan: I remember now. The feisty one... Your little one surprised me with his Solo Skills when your Droid, Jedi and your little Clone friend weren't with him earlier!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

While the kid pretends not to hear that part, Kaitis tells Hera to take it easy but Hera responds that this "bag of fodder" tried to steal Sato's generators and kill Ezra when he was pressured by his Jedi Training so much! Azmorigan points out that he could still hand Ezra over to the Empire!

Ezra: Hmph!

Kaitis: Hera, take it easy!

Hera: Easy?! This sack of bantha fodder tried to steal Sato's generators and kill Ezra when he was pressured by his Jedi Training so much!

Azmorigan: I paid a fair price...Technically, I could still stun your little Jedi right here and now and hand him over to the Empire for an even more rewarding price!

At that response, Omega and Hunter both pulled out his Blasters and her Crossbow, not happening!

Hunter: Not happening...

Omega: You are not... Touching... Him!

As Hondo tries to calm things down between the two groups, Kanan says that he's actually interested in Hondo's offer!

Hondo: Now, now, don't be blind to this amazing business...

Azmorigan: Sorry, SOFFY...

Kanan: Actually, I'm interested in what you have to offer...

Hondo smirked as Azmorigan apologized again, a wise choice!

Hondo: Wise one... I knew that you would see things my way!

Azmorigan: Sorry again...

Hera, however, isn't easily persuaded and is not moving her ship until she knows what he has to offer!

Hera: Well, I'm not moving my ship until I know exactly what you're offering.

Hondo explains that he was offering all the weapons aboard an abandoned class four container transport!

Hondo: Weapons... I am promising you all the weapons you can carry, unguarded and simply yours for the taking!

But Hera just frowned, still not interested!

Hera: Not good enough!

But Hondo however, was already two moves ahead of her by revealing that the cargo ship was carrying proton bombs! And according to Eldra's intel, it is something that the Rebellion was interested in acquiring for quite some time!

Hondo: Even if they are proton bombs? According to our mutual friend Eldra here, you've been trying to acquire them for quite some time!

Hera frowned; while he hates when the Pirate makes a point, she tells Hondo to show her and the others!

Hera: Show us...

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