Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty-Five: Rescuing Zeb.../More of them?!

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While looking for the brig, Ezra runs into Chopper, who leads him the way to the brig, where two of them find both Zeb and Azmorigan inside!

Ezra: Okay, so where's the brig?

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ezra: Chopper! Hey, we have to find the brig! Zeb and Azmorigan are...

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

As Ezra makes fun of this little mishap that would leave him on the sidelines for a while, Zeb tells him to save it for later as he tells Chopper to get him and Azmorigan out of these cells!

Ezra: Well, well, well... This might be the last job Hera puts you in charge of for a while, big guy!

Zeb: Save it, kid... Now's not the time! Chopper!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

As soon as they were free, Zeb told them that it was time to get off this Ship while avoiding the entry droid!

Zeb: Right... Let's get off this ship! And be careful... That sentry droid's still around somewhere!

While they were making their way back to the cargo, they all sensed the approaching sentry droid as Zeb tells them to hide in the corridors  and let it go by!

Ezra: Oh, great...

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Zeb: Let it go by...

However, a panicking Azmorigan has other ideas as he grabs Ezra's blaster Lightsaber and shoots the Droid down while it's in Blaster mode!

Azmorigan: Here we go!

Ezra: Huh?! Hey!

Azmorigan: Take that!

Zeb angrily chastises Azmorigan for listening to him when he says to let the Droid pass, while Azmorigan exclaims that he is a hero!

Zeb: I told you to let it pass!

Azmorigan: It looked right at me, and I blasted it! Me! Did you see me?! I'm a hero!

As Zeb placed his hand on his forehead Hera asked what happened, before Ezra his Blaster Lightsaber away from him and explained to her that  Azmorigan had taken out the sentry droid!

Hera(Via Comlink): Salvage team, what happened?

Ezra: Give me that! It's okay! We encountered the sentry, but Azmorigan took it out!

But AP-5 however, revealed why he had warned them not to engage and what Azmorigan's action had caused, if one sentry came under attack, then the other hibernating sentry droids would be activated!

AP-5(Via Comlink): I advised you not to engage... If one sentry comes under attack,
the others will be activated!

At first, Zeb was confused by what AP-5 meant by that! But he and the others turned around, and saw just what he meant by that, making things problematic for them before Zeb tells the kid to run for it!

Zeb: Others? What others?

Ezra: Okay, that's problematic...

Zeb: Kid?

Ezra: Run for it?

Zeb: Yep!

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