Chapter One Two Hundred and Twenty-One: Returning to Atollon.../Aftermath...

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Kaitis's mind kept recalling the events of escaping Malachor as Eldra quickly helped him get on the Phantom just before the Temple blew up, from his point of view!

Kaitis(V.O): I'll never forget the night we escaped Malachor after I had decided to leave the Empire for good after coming to my senses... The Empire defeated us... Ezra got badly hurt... Master Vos is... Gone! We lost... I had nowhere left to go... So I came with the others to Chopper Base, from Ezra named it... Otherwise known as Atollon, where their Rebel Base, miles away from the Imperial Fleet, a place we could all be safe on... Well... Expect for the Spider Krynkas!

Later back on Atollon; Hera, Sabine, Zeb, Crosshair, Hunter, Omega, Tech, Wrecker, Echo, and AP-5 had come out to greet the approaching Phantom, just as the sun was setting! Omega smiled as she began to wave at the approaching Ship, while Hunter frowned, having a really bad feeling about something...

Hunter: Ezra...

Omega: What's the matter?

Hunter: Hmm? Nothing! I just got this strange feeling...

As the Phantom landed on the ground and the door opened, Eldra threw her Lightsaber down onto the ground with as much anger as she could muster!

Eldra: (Anguished Wail!)

Hunter seemed shocked at the anger and sadness in the girl's tone as she ran off and Wrecker tried to ask her what was wrong!

Wrecker: Eldra? What's wrong? Eldra!

But Wrecker's worried cries for the girl fell on deaf ears, not wanting to face anyone right now! Just then, Sabine saw a heartbroken Kaitis exiting the Phantom along with both Rex and Ahsoka... Sensing that something was wrong, Zeb made his way over to the former Jedi Hunter and put his comforting hands on Kaitis's shoulders, asking the kid both firmly and gently what was wrong!

Zeb: Alright kid, what's going on?

Kaitis frowned, barely keeping his tears back as he tried to explain why his older Sister was so upset!

Kaitis: Vos is gone...

Zeb: What do you mean gone? Like captured?

Kaitis frowned, before shouting the terrible truth out loud as his tears came back full force!

Kaitis: No! He's... He's gone!

Realizing what he meant, everyone broke down in sadness! Kanan finally approached Hera, who pulled him into a comforting hug... Ahsoka gently hugged Rex, Wrecker hugged Sabine, Hunter, hugged Omega, while Echo, Tech, and Crosshair AP-5 all hung their heads in sadness! Omega, however, noticed that Ezra wasn't anywhere in sight!

Omega: (Gasps) Kanan... Where's Ezra? 

Kanan leads the others into the Phantom and they see that Ezra is still unconscious and wrapped up Kaitis's old Jedi Cloak, due to his injury from Maul's Saber! Omega quickly made her way over to Ezra to try and wake him but to no avail... Kaitis frowned as he explained things to the Young Clone!

Omega: Ezra... Ezra?! Ezra?! Is he...

Kaitis: No... He's fine! While we were all on Malachor and discovered a Sith Temple there, Ezra met the former Sith Lord Darth Maul! And while he defended us from the Inquisitors with me and helped us defeat them, he tried to blind Kanan's eyes and take Ezra for himself and the Sith Holocron for himself... But Ezra deflected Saber but had got a crispy mark above his eyes near his forehead, much like Anakin's... His eyesight was lucky to be spared from Maul's Lightsaber! After he took care of Maul, Vader showed up to reclaim the Secrets of the Temple, which was slowly turning into a Weapon, thanks to the Sith Holocron! He easily defeated me and was about to finish me off when Ahsoka and Vos both showed up to defend me! While the both of them were fighting Vader, Rex and Eldra both helped me onto the Phantom while Ezra and Kanan went to grab the Holocron! But as soon as they did, the Temple started to collapse and implode on itself! Despite us getting back, Vos stayed back to hold Vader off! He didn't make it...

Everyone lowered their eyes in sadness, knowing that seeing Vader after learning the truth about Anakin couldn't have been easy for Ahsoka! Omega frowned as Hunter placed a comforting hand on the Young Clone's shoulder, lowering her head in sadness as Kanan and Kaitis both helped Ezra to the Med Bay...

Omega: I can't believe that this happened... Poor Ezra! (Crying) (Sniffles)

Hunter: I... I know, kid! (Sighs)

Kaitis(V.O): The first thing we did was take care of poor Ezra Skywalker...

In the May Bay on the Ghost; Ezra was unconscious on a Medical bed... Kaitis, Eldra, and Ahsoka all waited outside while Hera and Kanan were inside the room with AP-5... Finally; just as Omega and the others showed up, just as the door to the Medical Bay opened up! The Young Clone quickly rushed in with Hunter close behind her before they both asked how Ezra was doing!

Omega: (Gasps) Ezra!

Hunter: How's he doing?

AP-5: The Young Jedi will be fine, it was just a Flesh wound... He is going to make it, but he still needs some rest! He'll be alright...

Everyone sighed with relief, with AP-5 saying that Ezra's eyesight was lucky to still be intact!

Kanan: Oh, thank goodness...

Everyone: (Sighing with Relief!)

Kaitis: That's a relief!

AP-5: Kaitis was right though, Captain Syndulla... Any closer, and Ezra's eyesight would have been seriously damaged! 

Everyone soon begins to leave the Med Bay, as Hera tries to reassure Kanan that the Medical Supplies will help keep Ezra's body hydrated and help him heal faster!

Hera: The Medical Supplies that we have will help keep him hydrated, help him heal faster...

Hera leaves the room as Kaitis explains what he and his new friends are doing in the Six Months since Malachor, dealing with not having Master Vos around and the possibility of Ezra not making a full recovery!

Kaitis(V.O): Kanan Jarrus keeps a constant vigil over Ezra, waiting for him to wake up. Zeb and the others goof around a lot, but they do a ton of work around the Base...

Zeb: Ooh...

(Spider Krynkas Hiss!)

Zeb: Back off, Krynkas... I just have some supplies for Hera, that's all I got! Easy, easy! (Screams!) Help! Aah!

The Spider Krynkas chase him as Eldra helps him while both Sabine and Kaitis chuckle a little bit, the ice between them breaking a little bit!

Eldra: (Sighs) I will help him out, again!

Sabine: (Giggles)

Kaitis(V.O): (Chuckles) But mostly, he goofs around a lot! Sabine helped Hera built a lab in the Command Ship, trying to create some Mandalorian Medicine to heal Ezra's forehead...

Sabine: One last drop, and I think I've done it... Aah!

Hera: Still working on it?

Sabine: (Coughs) Yep...

Eldra was working on some of Sabine's surprises, but didn't have much luck as the Young Mandalorian did!

Eldra: (Laughs) This baby's gonna need a lot of work! Aah!

Sabine: (Mocking Laugh)

Outside, Kaitis was writing in his old Journal that Ezra gave to him before his 5th Birthday, writing the events of the last 6 Months...

Kaitis(V.O): And then there's me, Kaitis Bridger... I spend most of my time training with Kanan and others and writing in my ever-expanding journal. I miss Lothal, my Sister, my Brother... Hopefully, Ezra will recover, and we can all go home soon if there's even a home to go back to... (Sighs) But life, as Master Vos would say, must continue on!

Meanwhile; Maul escapes Malachor in a stolen TIE fighter, and a lone and damaged Darth Vader limps away from the destroyed Sith temple without Vos on Malachor's surface... While the Moral flies overhead, Vos can be seen walking back into the temple... Back on the Ghost, they silently deal with Ezra's almost near blindness and the apparent loss of Vos... But unknown to anyone in her darkened room; Eldra manages to access the Sith Holocron using the Dark Side of the Force, with her eyes reflecting the beaming red light; unable to believe that nothing will ever be okay again, knowing that the universe dealt them a terrible hand!

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