Chapter Three Hundred and Forty-Eight: 38.5%?!/Race against the Clock!

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Later, the Ghost flies into the stormy atmosphere of Wynkahthu as Hera tells AP-5 to engage the stabilizers! AP-5 estimates that they have a 38.5 percent chance of success, which Kanan does not agree with!

Hera: Engage the stabilizers... I'll hold her as steady as I can!

AP-5: Estimating chance of mission success at 38.5%!

Kanan: 38.5%? This is your plan!

AP-5 however, tells him that he and his friends would have almost a zero percent chance getting out of this alive without his help!

AP-5: I have factored that in... Without me, your chances are almost zero!

Hera contacts the slavge team that Zeb is leading which includes Hondo, Ezra, Chopper, Omega, and Azmorigan, while Hunter stays behind with Sabine stays behind to receive the cargo to board the Ship! The Cargo Ship was sitting above the storm's vortex for now, but it's sinking fast and the ship will be ripped apart soon, so... Zeb should probably make sure that he and the others aren't on it!

Hera: All right, salvage team! We're on the clock... That cargo ship is sitting above the storm's vortex for now, but it's sinking fast... Once it's pulled under, it'll be ripped apart! So make sure you're not on it...

Zeb told Hera to relax, we'll be in and out before the cargo ship is pulled under!

Zeb: Don't worry... We'll be in and out!

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