Chapter Three Hundred and Forty-Four: Azmorigan returns.../Hondo's offer!

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Luckily, Ezra managed to keep the tension that was in the air down to a minnium, reminding everyone of their talk!

Ezra: Now, remember, guys? Okay? Remember our talk about keeping an Open mind about these kinds of situations...

Just then, the door opens, revealing a very impatient Azmorigan, asking if Hondo has recruited the so-called smugglers yet, telling them that they need to get moving!

Azmorigan: Have you recruited these two-bit smugglers yet? We need to get moving!

Ezra, Hunter, and Kanan all rolled their eyes at each other with a smirk, not this guy again!

Kanan: Oh, great!

Hunter: Oh, you've gotta be kidding me!

Ezra: Not this guy, again!

Needless to say, Hera was very unhappy at the thought of working with Azmorigan after Ezra's little trippy spin encounter with them the last time!

Omega: Azmorigan? What makes you think we'd even consider working with him?

Hera: Yeah... Especially after that stunt you pulled with Omega, Kanan, and even Ezra less than a year ago!

Hondo is aware that Hera and Azmorigan have had their... Past conflagrations! But when Hondo was offering them something that was not only a win-win" situation but also something that will help profit the Rebellion!

Hondo: Yes, I... I know that the two of you have had your past conflagrations, but when Hondo profits, so do you! And believe me, with what we have to offer, the profit for your rebellion will be great indeed...

Hunter and Hera both shrugged at Omega and the others, knowing that while Hondo can be trusted anymore than Azmorigan can, it's best if they listen first before they put someone in charge of the mission!

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