Chapter One Hundred and Ninety-One: Heart to Heart moments.../Rex captured!

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Back at the base, Kanan smiled at everything coming together and Hera had everything she needed!

Kanan: I can't believe it's all finally coming together! Ships, pilots, a base... Everything you need!

At that moment, Hera's elation at establishing a new rebel base was dampened by the awareness that Kanan and Ezra would be leaving soon...

Hera: Except you and Ezra...

Kanan frowned, seeing that Hera was still struggling to respect Kanan's wishes about leaving for Malachor with Ezra and the others! But Hera pushed her feelings of fear aside, before asking Kanan when and the others will be leaving!

Hera: So, when do you leave?

Kanan frowned, as soon as Ahsoka returns with both Eldra and Quinlan Vos, he knew that they couldn't run from the Inquisitors forever!

Kanan: As soon as Ahsoka gets back with both Eldra and Quinlan! We can't run from the Inquisitors forever...

Hera shrugged, she figured that it was something like that with all that Jedi Training earlier this Morning!

Hera: I figured it was something like that, with all that training!

Kanan tried to reassure his companion that he and his Jedi Friends knew what they were doing, knowing as much as Ezra did that they had to continue with their mission so that the rebellion could succeed against the Empire!

Kanan: Hera, what you've accomplished here is important... I understand that now, the need for us to be a part of a larger rebellion! I'm behind you... But none of it will matter if we don't do what we need to do!

At the moment, both Rex and Sabine were checking if all the sensors were in place, as well if all the Pilots have checked in!

Sabine: Hera? Kanan? All the sensors on the Eastern face are in place!

Hera smiled, before asking if all the Pilots have checked in as well!

Hera: Good... Have all the pilots checked in?

Unfortunately, Rex knew that only Lieutenant Deiser hasn't come back yet!

Captain Rex: Lieutenant Deiser hasn't come back yet!

Thinking that was a bit odd, Hera tried contacting Deiser, but there was still no answer!

Hera: Phoenix-6, report! Deiser, do you copy?

Knowing that something was up, both Sabine and Rex decided that they should go and check on her near the North perimeter!

Sabine: She was on the North face...

Captain Rex: We'd better go check on her!

Hera nodded in agreement, telling them to take the Phantom with them!

Hera: Take The Phantom!

As the two of the both left to investigate, Kanan noticed that Ezra wasn't with Omega or the rest of her Bad Batch Brothers!

Kanan: Hey, guys? Do you know where Ezra went?

Omega and the others shrugged, while Echo told him where Ezra was headed now!

Omega: I don't think so!

All Four: Haven't seen him!

Echo: Last I saw him, he said that he wanted to go and talk to Zeb one last time before you guys left for your mission, Kanan!

Kanan and Hera looked at each other, the both of them knew that talking to Zeb before a mission helped Ezra ease himself a little bit, especially since the mission probably involved seeing Kaitis again! Back on the Ghost, Ezra was looking for Zeb, before peeking in their shared Cabin for his Rebel Brother-figure...

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