Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty: Return to Atollon.../Sabine's uncertainty...

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Back at Atollon, the Phantom II had just arrived from the crazy mission that they had just had! Hera and the others had returned to the Base and were going over some briefings on how to deal with the Empire when Omega was the first one who saw that Ezra and the others were back!

Omega: Oh! You're okay!

Omega, Zeb, and Eldra all rushed to hug their friends, as Hera asked Rau how the mission went!

Hera: Welcome home, everyone... Are your men okay, Fenn Rau?

Fenn Rau shook his head, telling her the bad news of what happened!

Fenn Rau: I'm afraid not, Captain Syndulla... Gar Saxon and his Clan killed all of them...

Omega gasped in shock, as Sabine explained that her capturing Rau that day saved his life!

Omega: (Gasps) No!

Sabine: If me, Kanan, and Ezra hadn't captured him, he would have been dead alongside his men, executed by the Empire...

Hera: I'm very sorry to hear that, you guys...

But that's when Rau saw that Ezra was leaving before he told Kanan that he should probably go talk to his Padawan!

Fenn Rau: You better go talk to Ezra...

Kanan saw his Student leaving, confused about what's got him so down!

Kanan: Why? What's wrong?

Sabine felt terrible, before deciding that she should be the one to tell Kanan about why Saxon had decided not to kill Ezra before Kanan and Rau rescued them back there!

Sabine: Yes, about that... Saxon was tempted to kill Ezra, but turns out he had recovered the Mandalorian vault that Maul was restrained in Years ago and was going to use on Ezra to transfer him to Coruscant, via the Emperor's orders...

Omega frowned, feeling sympathy for the poor kid, knowing that the kid had a lot of pressure on his shoulders now more than ever with so many bounties on him!

Omega: Oh... Sorry... Poor Ezra!

Wrecker: First the Inquisitors on Malachor and now this guy?!

Hunter: (Groans) Like having so many people after the kid couldn't get worse... 

Kanan had already walked towards the Ghost, knowing that Ezra needed him right now! Hera, however, saw that Sabine was distressed about something else...

Hera: You okay?

Sabine: (Sighs) Hera... Today I learned my own Mother now stands with Gar Saxon after I left the Imperial Academy and has been looking for me! How do you think I feel? I'll probably never see her again, considering that she's still mad at me...

Ahsoka frowned, knowing that Ursa's decision to stay away was her own choice, they had to let her and the rest of Sabine's Family leave the Empire's rule in her own time!

Ahsoka: Ursa's decision to stay away is her own choice. We must let her come back in her own time

Sabine frowned... She wanted so badly to believe and trust Ahsoka, but what Ursa and the rest of her family never did?

Sabine: Yeah, but what if she never does?

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